Otaku Training Plan!!!

soulxevans @soulxevans
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Otaku Training Plan!!!
soulxevans @soulxevans
lol this site changes into facebook for otaku. That might actually be kinda rad.

Mop @mop
commented on
Otaku Training Plan!!!
Mop @mop
I don't think this site has enough resources to turn into a facebook for otakus. :P

piercedrocker @piercedrocker
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Otaku Training Plan!!!
piercedrocker @piercedrocker
i do nothing get a high metabolism worked for me XD

Shikoru @shikoru
commented on
Otaku Training Plan!!!
Shikoru @shikoru
I started biking a couple of miles each day. Its nice to get some fresh air in the process.

Kyetge! @kyetge
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Otaku Training Plan!!!
Kyetge! @kyetge
Marathon training... in seven months, you can do ANYTHING! It addicts you and makes you plead for rest, but if you do, then withdrawal symptoms set in, and you're lured back to the thrill of running a billion miles every weekend.
I'm thinking of starting a site-centered marathon group, but there needs to be enough people from around me so we can all run one near most of the members, like the Honda L. A. Marathon.

jet73l @jet73l
commented on
Otaku Training Plan!!!
jet73l @jet73l
Wii Fit (or just a stepping stool) plus a Netflix subscription or set of DVDs, and optionally a set of ankle and/or wrist weights. I lost over 50lb (23KG) watching seasons 2 through 6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer that way, plus movies and anime while I was waiting to find each next season. If you can stand to pay attention to a screen while doing situps or pushups or memorized yoga, good for you! (<-Sincerity. I couldn't.) I could have also done situps while listening to audiobooks, but I neither cared to nor needed to. Perhaps that could be done with anime spinoff light novels in audiobook format (or the other way around, in the case of light novels that spun off into anime).
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