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"Back off man!" "Me? Your the one losing it?!" I couldn't believe this guy, no matter how many times I try to explain gamezee won't listen. He's thinks that I'm trying to steal mariahaise from him. Did it cross my mind at one point yes, but, not any more. Now he wants to kill me, great. "She's mine God dammit" he yells as tries to punch me, he doesn't but ends breaking a wall in half. "Gamezee we've been fighting for exactly 45 minutes, so I know what I'm talking about when I say YOU ARE CONPLETLY OUT OF YOUR MIND!!!! he's gone completely bat crap crazy. Ok think masque think. I've got it. I take cover behind a dumpster and yell, "hey gamezee, I heard maria was walking around the court years, comepletly naked, better get over there before that perv masque gets there. "I'LL KILL EM" as he runs off in a rage. "Fewww just goes to show, brains and brawn work good together". " HOLD IT MASQUE!" That's when I was confronted by panda, xynox, gamezee, mariahaise, matt-san, Donnie, and sunflower. All looking quite angry and having fire powers, great "Oh for the love of" I run off as fast as I can". Where's my support when I need it.
I saved the thread
*Gamzee, *completely, *you're Trolololol.
I just ate an arepa filled with chicken. Arepa-chan liked being eaten by senpai ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
It had been three years since I finally met ForgetIllusion in person, and I couldn't be happier "Masque, where are you?" "In here babe" We'd only been living together for only a couple of months, given our age difference, many weren't really thrilled by it, but we made it work. *watcha doing?* "nothing too important gorgeous, what bout you?* "Nothing much, I heard gamezee and mariahaise are engaged yesterday though" "Is that so, huh, we'll have to send them something, maybe a snow globe. She punches me in the shoulder, " cone on masque, that jokes been done a hundred times, be nice. "Ok OK, you win, we" ll send em a card. Hope gamezee isn't still pissed at me for the courtyard thing. I just saw her walk over to the window horrified. "Masque, he's still upset" "Why do u say that" "Come look" that's when I saw gamezee and mariahaise standing in our yard. Gamezee looked like some dark knight or something. Like a batman from hell Mariahaise was in like umm. Ok imagine Emma frost, ESDEATH, and Elsa put together and more evil looking. "Babe, I think you need to get your sword". " yeah, I think you need to go get your mask. *10 minutes later* GET OUT HERE MASQUE!! That's red masque to you hot head. *Red Masque and ForgetIllusion vs Gamzee and Mariahaise*
Oct 23, 15 at 7:09pm
The Harem For many months Arc has schemed behind the scenes creating the perfect potion that would spread his love like a virus across the entire land of MaiOtaku. It all started with project X. The perfect harem potion. Arc used the prototype one day on an unsuspecting girl, and she began to stalk him every day. Arc had to make changes to the formula, but his first girl of his blossoming harem was known as Stalker-Chan X. Bit by bit arc seeped his love onto the forums, with each post he made. The first victim that feel to his scheme was poor, innocent sunflower. http://orig05.deviantart.net/57ec/f/2013/060/0/c/teruyo__kaguya_houraisan_by_ma_mio-d5wkxk0.jpg "Arc-sama, I never realized how cool you were!" "Oh ho ho ho!" Arc exclaimed. His devious plan was finally showing it's results. Sunflower was the first to take her seat upon Arc's harem. Sunflower became Harem Girl #1, and also the miniboss. She was both powerful and innocent. However, it wasn't long before Luna wondered where sunflower went. He went to Arc's castle and knocked on the door. Arc answered the door, with stalker-chan X and sunflower by his side in maid outfits. "Hello Luna my friend. You look well!" "W-what have you done with Sunflower??" Luna said, shocked. "Shhhh...shhhhh..." Arc silenced him gently, pressing his finger to Lunas lips. "Tittle bittles." arc said simply. It was an incantation worked into his harem potion. The harem potion affected males of the site in a different way. Once the incantation "Tittle bittles" was uttered, they fall into a deep, deep sleep. Luna falls asleep right on the ground in front of them. "Ho ho ho!" Arc exclaimed. His incantation worked just as planed. "Stalker chan, show mister luna to his bedchambers. He shall not awaken until my harem is complete!" "Yes, Arc-sama~~" Not too long after, Veru succumbed to the effects of the harem potion. http://data.whicdn.com/images/25428137/large.jpg "Arc-samaaaa! Please tie me up in your dungeon~" she exclaimed. "Oh ho ho! Of course, my dear Veru~" His harem was growing. Almost every girl on Arc's friends list had succumbed to the potion. His harem was massive, the dream of any king! http://a.nime.me/0053/9241/takingonallthestakesatthesametime.jpg Hmm...but one girl was missing. Who was it? Arc thought to himself. Suddenly the door to his castle burst open. It was none other than Maria. She was angry. "How dare you!" Maria explained. "They are my pawns. MY PLAYTHINGS. You think I will just let you take them from me!?! http://img07.deviantart.net/ffcf/i/2014/271/a/d/_screenshot__esdeath_s_angry_by_unknownguy10-d80wbim.png http://a.nime.me/0058/1198/on_the_throne.jpg "Ah yes, it is Maria. I would ask you to make yourself at home but you seem to have already done so. I have been expecting you." Arc stands up from his throne, with stalker-chan following close behind. Maria launches a barrage of ice attacks but it is all deflected in front of Arc. "What?!?" Maria exclaims. "Oh Maria, you do not understand the true power of harem. It is a power that surpases everything, and I have almost completely conquered it!" Arc throws his hands up to reveal all of his harem girls standing in the rafters, with various cute cosplay outfits. You see maria?? You shall become one of them and we shall spread our love across the entire world!" "Never!" She shouts, throwing all of her power into a single blow. However it was not enough. Before she prepares to launch another attack she coughs. "Ugh, what is that sweet smell?!?" http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/animevice/images/4/42/Esdeath_Blushing_Stitched_Cap_(Akame_ga_Kill_Ep_10).jpg "Ah, maria, that is the smell of my harem potion. As you launched your attack my harem warriors spread my potion into the air. You have already inhailed a superpotent version of it. "N-no.." Maria said, her legs getting wobbly. "Yes, it's true. Gamzee has already visited me and is now sleeping softly like a baby in his bedchambers. But you, Maria, shall become part of my harem." Maria chokes on the love dust spread in the air, but can no longer bear it. She has used too much energy to fight it off. https://mangatron.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/agk-ep-10-esdese-blushy.jpg "Y-yes, Arc-sama." http://i.ytimg.com/vi/XDpcdLajcuk/hqdefault.jpg "OH HO HO HO HO!!! OOOOH HO HO HO HO!!" Arc laughed maniacally. His harem was complete! Now, there would be nobody to stop him from spreading love throughout the world. He even got Frost and Lux to help him out because they loved seeing girls in cute cosplay outfits, and thought the world would be better off if Arc spread his love. And everybody lived happily ever after. Especially Arc-sama :D http://i31.tinypic.com/idw5fo.jpg PS. Panda slept through the whole thing. http://data.whicdn.com/images/55502503/large.png
*knock knock knock* Arc answers the door *hello* *goodbye* Masque shoots arc "MEN, YOUR LADIES ARE IN HERE!!!!"
Stick with stalker-chan before she kidnaps you and we never hear from you again
I shot him he's dead. Girls are with thier men now
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