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Has anyone my age found that special someone?

Oh my, that's heavy... I mean in my preference I wouldn't have mind but if you only like girls that sucks neko
Yeah well you see I was younger and was easy to impress, kinda started Coz I felt bad for the guy, but oh no... It was horrible. Not only the looks that was the problem I thought that by dating an ugly guy he was gonna be super sweet and caring but no... My best friend still bothers me with that subject lol
Ah ha sounds like you had a rough time. Hopefully it's all good now.
Lolol it would suck if it wasn't after all these years haha , I'm fine I just joke about it now these days lol
Hmm? Not sure what you mean? If I only like girls it sucks? I had girls hitting on me when I was 12 but I was too shy to do anything.
I just mean I was shy when I was really young. I had my first gf at 19 and lost my virginity at 21.
I meant that if your straight that must have suck because you said it turned to be a guy...
I think they meant about your last love interest, and yeah that sucks...
When I was a kid there was a girl I had feelings for and I think she liked me too. we'd always hang out at recess and she invited me over to her place a few times. Unfortunately my parents had just recently divorced and it seemed every time she invited me to do something outside of school it'd fall on one of my dad's visitation weekends which I hated going on and I think he probably didn't much like them either. We also moved a lot which meant transferring schools. Eventually I came across her again in highschool and even shared a class, but she kinda pretended like she didn't know me when I approached her so I just left it at that. Last time I saw her she was taking tickets at the local movie theater. she looked like hell and had put on tons of weight. It's a shame but not surprising considering what's become of this town. Takes a strong will not to let it drag you down with it.
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