azraeldarkangel @azraeldarkangel
commented on
azraeldarkangel @azraeldarkangel
Cr33pyMann3quin has been here a couple times and always spam posts and been kicked both times.
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
commented on
Usagi Eri @lordelricsama
Its quite hilarious actually. Compare the new girls and there chatboard. And the guys chatboard. Girls flooded with welcomes, guys bare as a old womans tush. When I was active I tried welcoming both sexes. I don't want to mention names but this guy says the same thing to every newcomer girl.
Sherflow @sherflow
commented on
Sherflow @sherflow
lol remember when aschthebloody was a thing? I only mention it because his account is on the featured members page. (Seph should make it so Banned/Suspened accounts don't appear there.)
But Asch is a good segway. As I feel it's the younger and naive users who are targeted the most.
I guess you could point it out to people in their introductions thread and tell them to keep on their toes, you could also make a thread demonstrating on how to deal with creeps I.e how to screencap and report harassment. that thread could also warn other users on not accidentally being creepy to other users. if nothing else you could make your mission to warn every new user of the creeps, but that migh in turn end up being creepy.
A few extra moderators would help aswell. (preferably time zone oriented)
Yu @metaljester
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Yu @metaljester
What we define as taboo heh?
Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
commented on
Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
Found an honest motherfucking creep:
thefireemblem @thefireemblem
commented on
thefireemblem @thefireemblem
I agree. I think hostilities should cease between users as well though. If I'm being completely honest, seeing the shit being slung between users was a big turn off for me, and I almost left because of it.
Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
commented on
Old_Reaper @elder_reaper
What goes on between users here is when someone takes their personal laundry and airs it out in the open. All I do is get in the middle because I'm one of the users here who's capable of holding my own. I've gotten... hmm I dunno 5-6 people banned who were annoying scumbag fucks?
neeto @neet_one
commented on
neeto @neet_one
Some people around here could be pretty bad about airing their dirty laundry. It really can be kinda annoying when people make topics just to complain about their personal squabbles with other users.
(Haru~) @koro_kizama
commented on
(Haru~) @koro_kizama
is it bad if I only want to know them without asking them awkward questions....
matter fact are we talking about creeps that constantly message new or old users to get unnecessary info, or just message them for no reason or purpose?
that might be just the same thing....
Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
commented on
Okamiwan21 @delrian_ulbrict
@Haru they mean people who do it constantly~ ^u^ if you just give a friend request or say hi or welcome, that's fine~ it's the people who legitimately harass users by constant spam or sexual implications.. Even sometimes threats ouo
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