Anyone from Los Angeles, CA?

akiraxplosion @akiraxplosion
Anyone from Los Angeles, CA?
akiraxplosion @akiraxplosion
I live in LA close by USC

MagicalGirlLee @yumechan
commented on
Anyone from Los Angeles, CA?
MagicalGirlLee @yumechan
I live in the area, along with all these tumbleweeds and crickets, apparently.

z3n_fl0w @z3n_fl0w
commented on
Anyone from Los Angeles, CA?
z3n_fl0w @z3n_fl0w
i'm new here looking for new friends i guess

AoAGeneral @aoageneral
commented on
Anyone from Los Angeles, CA?
AoAGeneral @aoageneral
About an hour and a half from LA

Fakkune @fakkune
commented on
Anyone from Los Angeles, CA?
Fakkune @fakkune
I'm in Caliii. LA ;w; .! By CSUN Tho.

emilyccat @emilyccat
commented on
Anyone from Los Angeles, CA?
emilyccat @emilyccat
Pomona calii girl here :D
anyone have plans for future cons? or meetups?

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
Anyone from Los Angeles, CA?
Aka-san @redhawk
La Verne
some small city (like 30 minutes from LA) XD

Danny @mexicanotaku69
commented on
Anyone from Los Angeles, CA?
Danny @mexicanotaku69
I live in Long Beach. So it's pretty close.

erick_of_hyrule @erick_of_hyrule
commented on
Anyone from Los Angeles, CA?
erick_of_hyrule @erick_of_hyrule
near the forum

lordgrave @lordgrave
commented on
Anyone from Los Angeles, CA?
lordgrave @lordgrave
I'm san dimas born in east la so i know the area
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