Who here watches hentai?

♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82
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Who here watches hentai?
♡Lenny (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)♡ @lenny82
I haven't watched it before but would give it a go. Not the rape or abuse stuff.

Lamby @momoichi
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Who here watches hentai?
Lamby @momoichi
i prefer hentai manga (not sure what you call them) the anime just isnt realistic, though even in the doujins theres always so much sweat and stuff XP

Nipplord @nipplord
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Who here watches hentai?
Nipplord @nipplord
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o.o @bloodcursedchild
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Who here watches hentai?
o.o @bloodcursedchild
I read the H-Manga/Doujins and watch hentai. Femdom, Yandere, and BBW for H-Manga/Doujins. Anything except tenacles for Hentai.

DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
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Who here watches hentai?
DarkuSchneider @darkschneider
Hentai is meh. I like erotic art but hentai is too formulaic or twisted most of the time. Then again I don't watch much real porn often either as I don't want to watch other people getting laid; maybe lesbians is ok. Honestly if I am in such a mood I rather spend the time being my own porn star with someone fun.

카덴자 @sdcadenza
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Who here watches hentai?
카덴자 @sdcadenza
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animage @animage
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Who here watches hentai?
animage @animage
H-moe is a pretty good site! They have many different videos some are free others you have to pay for. But this is a legit site it is run from the same group who run doujin-moe

I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
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Who here watches hentai?
I'm a Gamer @gtorocks
Guys try reading Gantz it has everything much better than regular hentai. Nothing beat it good story, action, hentai, realistic, romance, gores, horror, adventurer, thriller and everything. Is a loss if no one read it before.

cheorvamus @cheorvamus
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Who here watches hentai?
cheorvamus @cheorvamus
Well if you are like me you don't get to spend "fun time" being your own porn star because no females are interested in you xD@@ so then there's hentai xD!!! true talk yo

xxx @__removed_uguubox
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Who here watches hentai?
xxx @__removed_uguubox
who doesn't
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