Lifestyle Fitness!

Luxus @superluxus
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Lifestyle Fitness!
Luxus @superluxus
Sorry it has been a while since I posted anything on this thread. To pick it back up, I am going to be talking about.
Jeff's Top Reasons to Exercise!
1. Live Longer
We all know life can be fleeting, it is just the way of the world. Our lives can be taken from us in an instant. All it takes is a driver not paying attention to end our lives. However, if everything works out the way it's supposed to, the human body can live an incredible length of time. But with the rise of various chronic diseases, and other health ailments, it becomes a matter of survival of the fittest. Chronic diseases have become the leading cause of death in the United States, at roughly about 70% of all deaths annually being a result of some form of chronic illness. Chronic illness is defined as an incurable disease or health condition that persists for a year or more. A vast majority of these deaths could have been prevented had a healthy lifestyle been followed. 34% of the American population is obese, and statistics show that obesity is directly linked to hundreds of illnesses and health complications, including but not limited to, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritus, some forms of cancer, and pregnancy complications.
2. Improved Quality of Life
Exercise vastly improves our quality of life. It's a horrible feeling to get out of breath when walking up a single flight of stairs. It is even worse when a child or friend wants to throw a football or other sports ball around, but you either can't or feel too exhausted to even do that. Exercise helps to increase muscular efficiency through out the body. It improves bone density and coordination. In the modern United States, our lifestyles are becoming more sedentary, a vast majority of people have desk jobs that require long periods of seated exposure. Even more people come home after a day of seated work, just to sit on a couch and watch television. Lower back pain affects nearly 80% of the adult American population. and leading causes of lower back pain are jobs that require manual labor, jobs in enclosed spaces, and sitting for periods longer than three hours. Exercising helps to promote the muscles to begin to function at their peak capabilities. As well, flexibility also plays a large role in this. Being seated for long periods results in certain muscles getting too tight, such as the gluteus maximus, while other muscles such as the quadriceps but get too weak. The result is inevitable back pain. Exercising promotes healthy muscle function as well as having cardiovascular improvements. All this allows for the duties of daily life to become that much easier.
3. Improved Athleticism
For anyone that knows me on a personal level, know I love sports and various forms of physical activities. They range from volleyball, to soccer, to golf, to running, and even hiking. It should come as no surprise that exercise greatly improves a person's athleticism. Both football players and soccer player (futbol for my foreign readers) alike most often have strict weight training regimens. Weight training doesn't always directly tie into what is done on the field. However, what does happen is the body begins stronger, allowing for the legs to push off harder from the ground, as well as push an opponent backwards during football. It also promotes a quicker rate of force production. This is done through specific power moves that train type II muscle fibers. This relates to explosiveness. Think about a running back in football. They can go from quickly springing sideways to avoid a tackle, to sprinting strait down the field in milliseconds. Another incredible example was Tiger Woods. In a time when most golfers spent a vast majority of their time in practicing their golf swings and on course practice, Tiger Woods became a regular of the gym. He improved his own physical prowess and it had a direct impact on his golf game. Having such efficient muscular coordination and core strength allowed him to have a tremendously aggresive yet fluid golf swing. He completely dominated the competition during his reign as number one. He revolutionized the way golfers train. Now Rory McIlroy exemplifies that style of training. Exercise, whether it be cardiovascular or weight training directly influences on field play - it's just the way of life.
4. Improves Sexual Performance
Most people enjoy sex, it's just the way it goes. But did you know exercise and healthy living play heavily into our performance in the bedroom. It might be an awkward topic for me to bring up, but I'm sure this got most of your attention. Erectile dysfunction is a very common problem in America, and most of them could be avoided by simply maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and more specifically, exercise. Exercise, cardiovascular and weight training, improves blood flow all through the body. It works the same way in both sexes. Couples that exercise, not necessarily together, often times have the best sex lives.
5. Increases Attractiveness
This is clearly a no brainer and should motivate most people to exercise regularly. Women are usually attracted to more fit looking men, and the same principle applies to men's judgement of women. Taking better care of your health often times relate to how your would treat others. Now many guys work out for being able to attract the opposite sex better, but I am talking about guys who are genuinely invested in working out to improve themselves, not just their appearance. A healthy lifestyle often directly relates to healthy financial and economical decisions. It is common with both sexes, and their is plenty of research to back up such claims. Physical attractiveness is greatly increased when one begins to exercise. Most people would choose Christiano Ronaldo over Jon Goodmen in a decision of appearance. Most guys would choose Alex Morgan over Rosie O'Donnell (sorry guys, it was the first unattractive female that came into my mind...) any day of the week! It dates all the way back to ancient times and the survival of the fittest mentality. The modern mindset might try to argue that humanity has gotten past the vain pursuit of beauty, but they are blinded to reality, sex sells time and time again. It has always happened, and it will continue to happen.
6. Improves Happiness
Depression is a widespread mental problem. Millions of people suffer from it, and it is a very serious problem. Psychologists attempt to claim it to be a mental illness, which I am not arguing against. However, countless studies have shown that exercise greatly decreases symptoms of depression. They call it a runner's high for very good reasons, because it can have a similar effect to highs from various drugs. When the body pushes itself hard enough, the body releases feel good endorphins that cause one to feel great. It is seen when a long run is completed or a tough work out is pushed to completion. Arnold Schwarzenegger relates lifting weights and feeling the pump to sex because of the intense pleasure that can result (and we all know how much Arnold enjoyed sex). Exercise plays a direct role in relieving stress, no matter the type of exercise one may pursue. A majority of CEO's and owner's of businesses would rather hire a physically fit person over someone who seems out of shape. They take fewer sick days and they are generally more happy individuals. It may seem unfair, but the truth of the matter is, time is money. Too many sick days or grumpy workers tend to cost the company money in the long run. Many large businesses are beginning to see the importance of healthy individuals and are beginning to implement active ways to promote healthy lifestyles for the workers employed. It is a tremendous feeling to finish up an incredibly intense work out session, knowing that you pushed yourself to the limits. It is a feeling I'd recommend every person try to accomplish on a weekly basis.
These are just a few ways in which exercise is beneficial to our lifestyles. There are thousands of other reasons to exercise - so the question becomes, why aren't you using any of those reasons to get your butt in gear and get to the gym!

crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
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Lifestyle Fitness!
crimsonsun2xseries @crimsonsun2xseries
going from 140's to 160's is kind of difficult while staying lean. I would just bulkj up (it is winter afterall) and then cut down in the spring. I gained 20 lbs in one month over here working out eating 6 meals a day, but I am in no way lean. Awesome thread tho

Foxicity @foxicity
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Lifestyle Fitness!
Foxicity @foxicity
A lot of time people think they need some huge regimented workout plan to get started but they really don't.
I spent forever like that and started out simple, every morning i did some quick stretches 5 mins max, 15 cross situps, 5 pushups.
After a few weeks i started doing it every night too. Was a little annoying to get started but because it was so little i just sucked it up and walked two feet away from my computer and got it over with.
That combined with some simple lifestyle choices have improved myself by a good amount, I switched to wheat bread, I no longer use margarine, only butter ( still sparingly ), I use sea salt instead of table salt ( it has a stronger flavor so you overall use less ), and limited fast food to around once every other week.
It aint perfect by no means but im 5'11 170 lb's 18 years old, I feel alot better going out in public and just feel better.
Im not gonna try to do much more because I doubt i'll stick with it but for now its a start.
I'm taking a fitness and nutrition class in school atm so by all means im no professional but ive learned alot and started applying it to my life. Getting started is honestly one of the hardest parts, you should make a plan, right it out so you have it dont just 'wing'it. But dont make it insane, keep it simple.

Luxus @superluxus
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Lifestyle Fitness!
Luxus @superluxus
Finally found my old thread! I am the best!

Veru @verucassault
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Lifestyle Fitness!
Veru @verucassault

agentti00 @agentti00
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Lifestyle Fitness!
agentti00 @agentti00
i have a 6 pack too

Ḑ̧̖͕̖̘̱̅̊ͤ̄͒̂͘͞e̒ͫ̌̄̇ͣ͌̆͆ @devil_gene
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Lifestyle Fitness!
Ḑ̧̖͕̖̘̱̅̊ͤ̄͒̂͘͞e̒ͫ̌̄̇ͣ͌̆͆ @devil_gene
i bench press my duvet and do one whole sit up everyday when i wake up ;)

Kino @inkotowolf
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Lifestyle Fitness!
Kino @inkotowolf
I was wondering if there would be a fitness thread on here.
Stay active everyone :)

GameOver @literallgarbage
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Lifestyle Fitness!
GameOver @literallgarbage
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Lifestyle Fitness!
Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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