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Lifestyle Fitness!

Oct 14, 15 at 7:35pm
@Xynox - Biking is a great way to stay in decent shape. Before I got even remotely serious about lifting, I used to either bike or skateboard to work most days. My one job it took me about 30 minutes, so definitely not quite as long as yours. But that's awesome to hear. Believe me, it can be incredibly hard to eat healthy all of the time. There are plenty of days when I get home from a long day of work and lifting weights were I don't want to do anything except read comics and play video games. But as long as you are okay with how you look and have an understanding of what healthy is, then that should do just fine. Just make sure that when school is finished and you start working fulltime, you don't forget everything and slack off. But keep doing what you're doing. @mon - Such is the struggle with trying to be healthy. I'm gonna use the heck out of this line, but it's my favorite, "It's the job that's never started that takes longest to finish." But there's no rush, you are still young and have plenty of time! Trust me, I used to drink enough soda to kill a small horse, but eventually I was able to cut it down to where I almost never drank it. And I'm not gonna lie, I was never a big junk food eater, so I can't exactly empathize with a lot of you on that front. But you're on the right path, you know what needs to be done. I hate mornings, so I don't usually get up earlier enough to do a lot of things then. It's hard to think about healthy things first thing in the morning. I'm probably going to steal your line as well - "I like bad food, but my thighs do not." So don't copyright it! It definitely made me laugh, and that's awesome. I would hate for fitness to be boring and all serious all the time. You should enjoy what you are doing. Find some kind of activity that you can really enjoy and holds your attention longer! The name of this thread is lifestyle fitness, because I don't want health to just be about reaching a goal and then stopping. It has to be incorporated into our daily routines. As hard as it may be sometimes, we still have to at least try. That's why I'm here, to give out encouragement and answer questions. Keep staying active guys! Dream big and keep working towards it - the sky is the limit. http://i.perezhilton.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/christiano-ronaldo-mens-health-cover__oPt.jpg http://40.media.tumblr.com/4ea0419a9d510f677b5fa507371a9b49/tumblr_nj4qgbKf1n1tokcnoo1_1280.jpg
Well I have to say this thread has motivated me to not stop at a 6 pack I MUST GET AN 8 PACK NOW ITS ALL I WANT....Im assuming the same routine I was doing will do just fine though adding some hanging leg raises and a few weighted crunches will get me where i need to be (:< anything else I should add master?
Ive given myself 2 weeks which is MORE than enough time hopefully I can get it done and my lazy ways wont get the best of me haha
Oct 14, 15 at 9:47pm
I'm not saying I want one but I'm curious how people build and define the Adonis Belt.
Veru I dont even know what that is lol
Oct 15, 15 at 1:19am
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Oct 15, 15 at 12:27pm
Frost XD If you work for the 8 pack you'll have one. It's the V at the bottom of the abdomin, Adonis belt = Apollos Belt aka "I don't know what these are called but they make smart girls stupid."
haha That's what I assumed it was but wasn't sure XD
Oct 15, 15 at 12:57pm
I was going to find you a point of ref and did some research on it. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f6/00/6e/f6006ec4d98c3c13697cdcfb4e49e28a.jpg
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