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The cost of marrage.

I agree completly with 徐々に
I just put a small portion of my payslip away each month towards things like that. Though people can abuse it.
Don't think I want to get married. It sounds great and all but it's just a ceremony and I don't think it adds anything to a relationship that one couldn't add his/herself. If there are legal benefits then I'll do it.
Keeping it small would be the best option, it's much cheaper that way, setting up a savings account ahead of time would also be beneficial.
I don't know how much cash I would spend but I would like it to be a smaller wedding with family and close friends - so just enough for the actual ceremony and to throw a nice little party afterwards, that alone would make a lovely and memorable wedding day for me and my future partner.
Oct 04, 15 at 2:15pm
free. not counting gas and the food. i wouldnt want family there, maybe noone
You're wedding can be cheap or expensive. It's depends on how you plan your wedding. OwO For me, if I do get married. I kinda want at least spend 19k or 21k. (=^w^=) I believe wedding are more than contracts. It's a bonding test for your relationship with your partner. :D
Ugh, Marriage...
Oct 05, 15 at 7:06pm
Honestly, if I ever did get around to getting married, it'd be something very simple at a justice of peace sort of thing unless my significant other insisted on a church wedding due to their faith which I wouldn't be opposed too as long as they were okay with me being an atheist. Dropping thousands of dollars on a wedding, reception, etc. only to have a ridiculous percentage of marriages fail within five to ten years seems utterly pointless to me. It would make more sense to take a chunk of money and put it towards a nice honeymoon and just do something very simple, because at least the honeymoon would give you some great memories of a vacation even if the marriage didn't work out in the long run.
I want a small wedding. Weddings can be a beautiful thing if you do it right so I want only the people who are close to me to be there and..you know...not to be in debt.
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