Since we are all Otaku. What is your Otaku ness.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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Since we are all Otaku. What is your Otaku ness.
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
can i just say im an otaku? its the easiest answer cause im pretty much all of, games, anime, manga, all except for figurines, apparel, and cosplay but im working on those soon
oniiai(raven) @oniiai
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Since we are all Otaku. What is your Otaku ness.
oniiai(raven) @oniiai
Idk lol
I don't even consider myself an otaku anymore, I just think some animes are good or whatever I like is whatever I like.
Tbh, I can't see how some people waste their money on a bunch of bullshit like figures. That's why I've never bought figures... Plus their too expensive for my cheap ass.
Crit @onlycrit1995
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Since we are all Otaku. What is your Otaku ness.
Crit @onlycrit1995
I'm an anime otaku. I like to collect posters and swords as well. **EDIT** Oh, and I love collecting plushies.
Veru @verucassault
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Since we are all Otaku. What is your Otaku ness.
Veru @verucassault
When I was looking for a video of Kanetsugu from Samurai girls there were well over a dozen videos just of people unwrapping and opening Kanetsugu figures. I was curious but I didn't click on any. I was afraid the Otaku would be so pungent I could taste it through video. I WAS TOO AFRAID DAMNIT!!!
Teslan @tthedragon
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Since we are all Otaku. What is your Otaku ness.
Teslan @tthedragon
Knowing Japanese
You guys reeeeeeeeeeaaaly don't want to coin youselves an "Otaku"
Well, don't go to Japan and say it at the least.
Crit @onlycrit1995
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Since we are all Otaku. What is your Otaku ness.
Crit @onlycrit1995
I know Otaku is a derogatory term in Japan but we take pride in it. Our version of Otaku is not necessarily the same as theirs.
Nakama @jacob1
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Since we are all Otaku. What is your Otaku ness.
Nakama @jacob1
Yeah the term use to mean People who stay at home and are burdened on everyone, but Otaku in the USA and other places means fans of things from Japan now. Otaku is in the same line as Nerd or Geek.
Teslan @tthedragon
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Since we are all Otaku. What is your Otaku ness.
Teslan @tthedragon
Because not alot of people know that, huehue
Crit @onlycrit1995
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Since we are all Otaku. What is your Otaku ness.
Crit @onlycrit1995
I think more people than you realize know the true meaning. We just don't care lol.
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