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How do you approach men/women at social events?

As a awkward guy who usually will be the one dancing alone. I normally don't go up to people to start a conversion with them, nor do people go up and start talking with me. A big reason why I don't go to bars or dance clubs. I find to talk to someone I find attractive at a social events, it takes one minute of confidence and the ability to step into the unknown and face the fear, doubt I have that something is going to go wrong to start talking to a complete stranger.
I was only teasing Maria. http://37.media.tumblr.com/0c8621c011cbd31735792bd69303924c/tumblr_mjxpziMKxB1rpcp44o1_500.gif
@gamzee that pic is so adorable omggg https://31.media.tumblr.com/d53802b42c405561dc2107a69bb254ec/tumblr_inline_mxd3lhsQzY1qidwx8.gif
I'm glad my picture tastes please you. http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb8clpo6WQ1rnbh24o1_250.gif
Talk to them casually. Depending on the event can give you a topic, or "in" to start with. I've spoken with people briefly while standing in line at some cons only to have them approach me later in the day and almost pick up where we left off, or talk about something unrelated. Oddly, at some events I've been approached by others asking if I'm the guest speaker's/celeb's bodyguard and could they get a photo, autograph or just shake their hand. And this is when I'm on the other side of the room, dressed down, and completely unconnected to the person or security there! XD
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