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What's your idea of a fun date?

Aug 27, 15 at 12:41pm
Probably if there is a shared interest, more along the lines of doing something out of the house, that would be the best thing to do. My best first fate option is usually meeting up for coffee and going for a walk just so we can get to know one another better. Usually nothing super crazy.
going to the movies is always good ^_^
This may not be exactly a date but going on a road trip to a new place with your SO sounds like fun. :3 Spending a weekend with each other seems better than just spending an evening together.
A Fun date is a fun date? That is going to widely vary by the people of course. I will describe a really fun date I was on recently. Some background. I suddenly got it bad for this girl that works at a place I frequent regularly. We started talking more and more when I went there and the flirting escalated seemingly on it's own(chemistry). We had met for coffee and a lunch once during her breaks at work. I learned she was an artist part-time on the side who worked turning photo portraits into oil paintings. She wanted to make art a career somehow without killing the fun but it takes time to do that and was very busy finishing her Bachelors in Business(a very smart girl). She also mentioned Thai food was her favorite when we were chatting before and I had also learned her general work schedule by then. I picked an evening she was not working and asked her out on a date and she accepted. She met me in the cafe of a popular bookstore downtown. We took a short walk to flirt/chat as I led her to a Thai restaurant that showcased art from local artists as it's decor. After dinner we roamed downtown and played in a park that 'happened' to display sculptures. We got a couple drinks and shot some pool at a pub on the way back to our cars. I decided to go all-in when she hugged me before getting into her car to leave. I held her close and kissed her and told her we must do it again, she agreed with glassy eyes and blushing. I thought It went well. Still haven't locked in a third date as she is busy and I learned is dating multiple people and bisexual. It is why I went all-in but stopped short of asking her back to my place as I did not want to push my luck. Meh we'll see...she'll make a fun plate or friend if she does not want to get more serious. My city has a huge art culture and endless things to do/see. While I appreciate visual art it is not a realm I am greatly knowledgeable or skilled in. I used to work in performance art in college but on the technical side. I was very nervous going into the date because I had not felt this retarded for a girl in a very long time. I also chose to plan the date mostly around her sphere of comfort instead of mine without calling it out directly. Tip guys: plan meaningful dates but don't fish for validation as a reward for it like a puppy wanting it's treat as it looks less confident. She knew I was thinking of her by my choices. It was a good gamble because her immense enthusiasm about art and resulting demeanor quickly settled my nerves and I was able to interact casually and we had a lot of fun.
The ideal date is one where she doesn't know my name after our first night... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg5VVcLxGig
having a date depends on a few things what your interested in and what your partner is interested in and at the question do u have money thats the top question so try find something u might know about her she enjoys and u enjoy so dates are simple and hard same time ^_^
robo-tripping while watching really bad kevin hart movies
Go-karts and mini golf would be fun, you can learn a lot about a person from both. Other than that, something we're both interested in, even if it's from a "haven't seen/been to/did but wanted to" perspective from either of us.
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