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Starting to get tired of things.

Oh I know what I should do. It's just relentlessly frustrating at this point. As for my dog? She's an Australian Sheppard. She's probably around 10...we got her as a stray. Somebody dumped her off in our neighborhood years ago and we kept her.
Ah man, I was fixated on the idea that you wanted some advice. I was confused because you seem like you know what you're doing. ~T
I hate those kind of people that just dump their dogs when they don't even think about why they got a dog in the first place... As for my dog... He is a Labrador Retriever, just recently got him. He's about 17 weeks old. I have a pic of him in my gallery. Also you don't NEED NEED love, just watch anime :D And don't watch romance anime because you will want you know... But hey spend time with your pets and just have fun.
It's alright, Teslan. I appreciate the advice anyway. And yeah, same here Ace. Most of my pets are rescued animals in fact.
I should take some of Maria's advice; instead of being indifferent(moreorlessdespising) the dating scene, I should be more happy with myself. And I guess the love bug just finds you. I'm actually pretty comfortable with myself though---it's just that when college time comes back around, or when I'm with anyone around my age, my confidence levels drop.
All y'all need to do is boost your self-confidence to near godlike levels. Can't be godlike cause I'm godlike. Also if you find yourself in a relationship like that again, you should ask pretty early on about what the relationship is and what it can be. Better to do that than wait until it's too late and get mad or just do nothing at all and sit and wonder of every love that could've been if I only though of something charming to saaaaay bop baaaa bop baaa. What an enjoyable song of my youth.
I have a fair level of confidence. It just gets shut out. A lot. Also, I already take that into consideration when it comes to relationships.
Aug 23, 15 at 6:23pm
Stop actively dating. I have had the most interesting encounters when I was not actually looking for them. If you actively pursue love it won't come to you. That generation has passed. Focus on yourself. Your career, your passions etc. The right person will come along eventually but forcing it will only lead to disappointment. Destiny? Soulmates? Pretty ideas indeed.. But I have trouble believing them. They might even be the truth for those who firmly believe in them. There have been cases of people being healed from cancer by firmly believing they'd survive and regain health. My grandparents (both sides) have spent all their life together and you only had to spend a few minutes with them in one room to know that they've loved each other. The last words of my grandpa when he had already forgotten everything and everyone were the name of my grandma and the words "I love you". They grew up in a time people believed in true love. And people found it. But in our generation true love doesn't exist because too little people believe in it. Too many hearts have been broken and too many expectations rejected. Imagination and faith are worth more than some people account them nowadays for. So instead of imagining and keeping faith people go by the facts. And those aren't rosy.
I don't actively pursue it. Like I've stated multiple times here, it just happens. I end up meeting people and we click. I then begin the dating process. Again this isn't an advice thread. I should have posted it elsewhere. I'm just venting my frustrations.
Aug 23, 15 at 6:31pm
Well, apparently it clicks for you. Not for them. Saying "I'm not ready yet" is a nice way of saying "I never was and probably never will be". Well, then I won't advice you any further. ;D
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