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what to do... pervs...

I see. Well, the best thing to probably do is cancel the friend request. If he tries to friends you, agai. Deny it. No one should ever go through that crap.
It might be the tough thing to do, but sometimes you can't be nice and friendly. You have to speak up or it won't ever end. ^u^
Aug 23, 15 at 3:59am
Fancy, once again, you got it down. ~T
Innappropriate-irrelevant comments out of the blue without any context is a red flag, if that so happened. So yeah I suggest to https://33.media.tumblr.com/da25e30ec0c74f158f256d1831b2bf7d/tumblr_inline_nf1sflycuz1sqf2ij.gif
Aug 23, 15 at 12:14pm
Well, I am perverted, so I think I can help as far as the good pervy flirting goes. I'll give an example of some pervy flirting in the past. My text greeting to a girl: "Hey sexy tits, how's it hanging?" The reason I am vulgar in my greeting is because I know her, and she knows me, so she can tell if I am just playing around. I would never do this to somebody I don't know that well. Whenever I make a playful perverted flirt, I always make sure she knows that I'm being playful. To highlight this I sometimes open up with outdated ghetto speak: "What up, homeslice? You still rockin' dat ass?" You can usually spot a playful perverted flirtation because it is way over the top and jarring. A creepy flirtation would be something like this. "You look sexy ;)" I like your username by the way, hehehe :P Hope this helps.
Basically what everyone else here has already said. If they make you feel uncomfortable, be up front about it. Cut contact if it's too much. Unfortunately some people are just pigs, but you can usually weed through them. Some people don't understand there is a fine line between a casual perverted joke and being a disgusting or annoying sex addict.
thank you for the support everyone <3
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