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Non-binary People

And that's totally fine. It isn't something I'm trying to force on anyone nor am I trying to make them immediately accept and/or understand it all, I merely want to make people aware that there are people who feel like this and identify this way. Sure thing, I don't see the point in being hostile if someone asks you a question about a topic you brought up haha I mean yeah, sure, some people can be as hostile and touchy as they want about it, but it's never going to get them or us as a group anywhere good or anywhere at all really. I would much rather just try to share the information and opinions I have to create awareness in an open, rational manner, and then just let it expand from there over time whether I'm the one building on it or not.
@theothertwin13 - 'some of us just don't feel that we fit the typical standards of what is rigidly defined as masculine or feminine in our current society. And as we don't identify solely with the gender of our sex' I can't help but wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that traditionalist values have been thrown on it ear as society changes more rapidly over time. What some call traditionalist gender roles have been in great flux over the last 30 years. What we decide to put in a book as a definition is a colored interpretation of something that originated in nature in regards to sex and gender. In spite of thousands of years of study humans still know little of everything about nature or themselves. There is both masculine and feminine hormones in men and women normally. The balance of them affects the bodies development/metabolic functions and stimulates certain regions of the brain that controls various behaviors. Hence where the definitions of masculine and feminine come from in part. The brains of men and women are physically different but seemingly wired in complimentary ways to one another. They have just got the tech in the last decade and a chance to really see a new layer of detail of how the body and mind work. Interesting stuff indeed.... I think I hung out in college with someone that was perhaps fluid and did not know it as that. She said she was bisexual and dating another woman when we met. She was often mistaken as a man when approached from behind by strangers. He style, body language, and mannerisms were quite masculine 'tom-boy-ish'. Towards the end of college she was dating a guy and decided to get married and have kids and soon acted/looked more feminine. When the observation was told to her she was surprised and did not think anything changed dramatically and though it was silly. (shrug) IMHO still the best working diagram to understand many things in this universe besides gender and sex. http://www.mohawkcollege.ca/Assets/CE/Art%2BExchange/Yin%2BYang%2BMedallion.jpg
Respect is a must. I make sure to use each persons correct pronouns and address each individual as they identify. In a dating aspect it makes no difference to me, I'll respect each person as they are and love them unconditionally. <3
oh yea i didn't see i was asked yes one of us using this profile is non binary
Dec 18, 15 at 3:22am
I don't mind :) I'm attracted to all people but I still consider myself bisexual,I've dated trans andhermaphrodite before it's just makes she/him/they more beautifully unique :)
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