Katsucon Feb 2016

schueboxing @schueboxing
Katsucon Feb 2016
schueboxing @schueboxing
It's a bit early, but I don't see any existing threads yet.
Who's planning on going? I'm probably going to book a hotel with some friends early.
At the moment I'll just be bringing my Ryu Hayabusa that I debuted at Otakon last month.

dragonmaster @dragonmaster
commented on
Katsucon Feb 2016
dragonmaster @dragonmaster
I'll definitely be going. No cosplay though, I just take lots of pictures and video.

damuffinman @damuffinman
commented on
Katsucon Feb 2016
damuffinman @damuffinman
Going for the first time. heard it was good.

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
Katsucon Feb 2016
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Not going. They are really starting to suck with their rules with photography and when you find out about something they send you on a wild goose chase. Going to MagFest instead.

Harmlesscrime @jenacats
commented on
Katsucon Feb 2016
Harmlesscrime @jenacats
I'm definitely going, though I'll be really busy the whole con because I have to do a lot costumes changes ;_;

e_bon @e_bon
commented on
Katsucon Feb 2016
e_bon @e_bon
It would be fun to meet up with anyone who is going. Last I looked the hotels at National Harbor were full, but I am close enough to drive. Have some friends coming from out of town staying with me as well. I'll be doing the press thing again. If you have something you think should be covered let me know.

e_bon @e_bon
commented on
Katsucon Feb 2016
e_bon @e_bon
Somehow a second thread got started.

xwindsongx @xwindsongx
commented on
Katsucon Feb 2016
xwindsongx @xwindsongx
I'll be there! I'm cosplaying Annie Leonhardt(: I'm pretty excited

dragneel2040 @dragneel2040
commented on
Katsucon Feb 2016
dragneel2040 @dragneel2040
Gonna be there, cosplay, hang enjoy the con, get a drink and maybe have a hookup. Lol
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