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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

You aren't bad looking yourself, nightnsky. Have some more confidence in yourself!
Kinda hard when everyone is insulting you everyday lol
Just don't pay attention Its like they say "There's always someone out there for you" And yes there's some people with more looks than others but its all good You'll find it Don't worry nightnsky don't take this the wrong way but I heard Asian people are on high Demand among Otakus
Hahaha. No. Well. Maybe. But honestly, I think I'm actually kind of...scary. People find it so difficult to approach me, so no. If people are insulting you everyday over your appearance, I know how it feels. I had to develop that "I don't give a fu*k" attitude.
Somewhat. But-I'm a shy guy. So I have my moments of self-consciousness/low self-esteem.
Somewhat. But-I'm a shy guy. So I have my moments of self-consciousness/low self-esteem.
Double post? Fack
I find myself in the comfortable sligthly above average range, by word of myself that is, according to some people i am "hot" as it were, I'd much prefer "cool" but, whatever. My biggest problem is the aura i give off, Jocks want to fight me, geeks are intimidated by me, and the average person thinks im a complete lunatic, while the "alternative" crowd labels me a fascist maniac. I know only of one place in the world were i feel at ease and at home, Post-apocalyptic wasteland LARP scenarios, that take themselves teeth-jarringly serious xP
I don't consider myself very attractive, but I guess I have other qualities to make up for it. I was once told I clean up nicely though... Either way, I prefer to not bring attention to myself so I guess it's reflective in my appearance, which is... weird, now that I give it some thought...
i consider myself good looking in shape i stay active have decent muscle tone i am funny a good talker and listener, but i tend to show to much affection early on in relationships wich makse me seem desperate or clingy which i wud say is a big issue or is provn to be so far.
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