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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

people say I am.. but idk makes me nervous xpx I think I have a nice personality though :B
Looks > Heart > In Pants. Well. I share no specialty in any department. Sad faec.
I'm told I'm pretty, but I think most woman don't see themselves as pretty. It's kind of drilled into our heads as children that we need to strive for perfection Like I bet a lot of us don't see what other people see in the mirror
https://media3.giphy.com/media/d9aN4MSJ3k8qA/200_s.gif jk jk lol tbh idk XD i think im decent but meh
Who knows as attractive is nothing more but a vague concept, as everyone has different opinions, you can be considered unattractive by the person to your left, then considered attractive by the person to your right. Therefore everyone is both attractive and unattractive, because who created what's beautiful and what's not? Just sombody with a different perspective on things.
Do i fine myself attractive? well.....this what i think the mean of attractive should be. I see it you are not into there look but there soul. to see threw there imperfections. so the questions is do i see myself attractive? phyicly....no but my soul is i think my soul is Attractive if that counts to something
To me attractiveness is all a matter of interpretation and perspective. People find certain aspects ugly whilst others find them beautiful - it really just depends on the person. But as for myself, physically I'm in a love-hate relationship with how I look. I'm constantly working to get myself to look great whether it's through working out or eating healthy, grooming, dressing well and just in general looking presentable. Whatever it is I'm trying my best to look my best at all times. But some things, no matter how hard I try I can never get right about myself - such as the dark rings around my eyes, it's not a sleep deprivation thing since I go to bed at reasonable times and sleep reasonable hours but is in fact a genetic thing as well as to the with the shape of my skull, the blood flow is quite weak there which exhibits the dark circles and I just hate that about myself. The only thing that can cover it up is actually concealer that matches my skin colour, tried it out once for a laugh when my sister suggested it and it works but it only covers it up, not actually fixes the issue. I don't wear concealer but something tells me I might have to despite me feeling uncomfortable with make-up on. (Nothing wrong with make-up, it's cool if anyone wants to wear it, it just bothers me whenever I have to wear it for something, kinda like getting a face paint, a part of your face itches and you know you can't scratch it and it just drives you crazy.) And since I mentioned my skin, I get the feeling that might also be a bit of a problem - I'm very fair-skinned, and no amount of blazing sun is going to change that, it only ever results in burns. Now people think that's just fine because there are a lot of naturally fair-skinned people out there, I guess it's just something I'm very self-conscious about for no reason. A lot of people say I'm very handsome, I just don't know that myself. Although on the inside, personality-wise I do think I have a very attractive personality; I'm happy, upbeat and viciously loyal to friends, families and whoever else I'm close to. I can make people laugh and I can cheer people up whenever they need it. Sure I have my many kinks, quirks and issues because nobody is perfect but overall I do believe that my personality is what most people find best about me. No matter what we do, no matter how hard we try to look our best, there's always things that people won't like about us. We're imperfect but that imperfection is beautiful because chances are someone is going to notice.
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