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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

Nope. I don't even see myself as date worthy.
^ Ah come on!
@Key17 Just being honest.
Hmm well depends on what you believe to be attractive. I'm a very scruffy individual, I feel like my hair has a mind of it's own at times, since its as wild and thick as hair can get. I also don't have a ton of muscle yet, Though my metabolism makes sure I don't any fat. I'm about average height, and have hazel eyes that are most of the time green with a bit of yellow. Plus I doubt a lean face is bad. So I'd say I'm average in the looks department. Date worthy, Also depends on who you are. I'm quite the stubborn one in stuff I do, So I doubt you can stop from doing something once I have my mind on it. Plus my temper is much worse then most. Though if you see loyalty, honesty and leadership qualities appealing then I'm good at those things. Plus I like to help people so there's that. Though unlike quite a few I'm not desperate to get into a relationship at the moment, Sure I'll get into one if I really like a person, But I'm quite patient when I want to be so~ yeah. @Kayo, Stop being so depressive man, Self pity or hate will not help you in anything trust me, I went through that stage when I was like fourteen, It only brings trouble. Look on the bright side, And Trust me, you are living quite a good life if you have internet. The people with bad lives are the ones who are more worried about living another day from starvation or sickness, Other then on a talk/dating site hahaha. So cheer up.
Sexy as fuck <3
By most standards, yes ^ ~ ^ I'm physically and emotionally healthy, always well groomed, in shape, open minded, and always kind. The only thing that some people find off about me is my introversion : x but if they get to know me, they usually see that I can be quite social : D
Do I consider myself attractive? I always wink at that sexy mofo in the mirror, but he always ignores me
@leo_ss Hmm, you're right. I guess I just have a hard time getting over things and letting it get to me. Also, low-self esteem, very low. Thanks.
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