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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

I've never really found myself as attractive. I think I'm about average ish. I've gained weight and I don't look girly at all or know how to be girly. xD
Considering what I weigh I'm not bad looking but I could certainly afford to lose some weight
I'd rate myself around average, maybe a little bit on the attractive side. Abstractly, I have decent facial structure and I'm not overweight, but that's fighting against encroaching baldness and lacking fitness. Genetics is a mixed bag :|
Silver, have you thought about shaving your head? I used to have hair that went to the middle of my back, but once the baldness set in I chopped it all off. I've been shaving my head ever since, and it actually enhanced my looks a little bit when I was skinnier.
I can't say as I've never considered it, but I'm not sure if it's for me. On the other hand, a few more years at the rate it's been going, and I won't have to worry about making a decision.
I don't really consider myself very attractive :/ I'm a bit overweight and I have a little problem with...acne...
Hehe, no. I don't think I look too bad but my hair gets a greasy look easily and it's very very long which is a pain to keep from frizzing out. Besides the always present acne my eyebrows are usually misshapen and my glasses are slightly bent.
I think I'm average/plain looking. Any redeeming qualities? Well, honestly, life has made me kind of a jerk, cynical and overall... Yeah, just not redeeming at all. But I guess, I can be friendly at times... I find it hard to describe myself positively most of the time.
Honestly, i kinda consider myself attractive and not very attractive at the same time, sometimes i look in the mirror and i think i look pretty decent, other times i look and i think the exact opposite, i guess i see myself in a different perspective everyday, and since its always changing, i can never really explain or rate my general appearance... :I
Pawlitics: That look may not be a bad thing. Honestly, there are a lot of minor things that people chalk their appearance up to and judge, but they're usually either transient things or disproportionate to their actual look. By this I mean: acne, greasy hair, the eyebrows, when compared to your overall facial structure, expression, movement, etc. can become inconsequential. I won't even go into the possible moe factors here. But it is something to think about. Some of the most striking people I've met, the people that have really inspired me to draw, have flaws like that.
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