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Do you consider yourselves attractive?

I can't say I think of myself as very attractive. Maybe a 5 on a scale of 10 weird thing is that people keep telling me I'm handsome and someone even said I could be a actor with my looks. I just don't see it myself. A general thing on looks though I think most people are more attractive in person than they are in pictures, there are exceptions of course.
The only time in my entire life I've been attractive was when I worked construction. I was down to 185, slim, muscular, and well built *ahem*. At all other times of my life, including now, I'm so far from attractive I've shot past "not even funny" and have arrived at "damned hilarious". However, that being said, I've been told that it's never been my body that people find attractive. My mind, my personality, my view on life, etc. have all built up a person that other people like to be around. Which is funny all by itself, because I suck at being social. lol
Nope, I am VERY selfconscious of myself and they way I look. I have high self esteem, but with the way most of my old relationships turned out or with the people I used to hang out with.... things have changed...
Nope. I'm too small ;~;
youre all going to punch me, but unless im all dolled up and at a con i dont feel attractive! i'm a regular ole tomboy 9 times out of 10
Tomboy's are hawt. You know that, right? lol
I have rather low self-esteem all around, but one of the few things I take pride in is my looks (almost to the point of being arrogant about it, which in turn made me feel better about myself). Getting into fashion and thrift-store swag can make anyone feel better about themselves! The thing that drags me down is my toxic personality :|
I wouldn't consider myself attractive. I've been told by a few people I look "cute", but I don't see it (plus cute isn't generally considered an attractive trait for males). Every blue moon or so, I'll wake up and look in the mirror and think "Woah! Why's my face look so good?", but then my eyes focus a while later and I wonder what delusion I had been under. I consider myself below average in looks. My only positive physical attributes are that I'm tall and of decent weight. But, I think that my intelligence, oddness, and "outside the box" personality make up for it. People that know me like me for my absurd sense of humor and my methodological way of examining the world in which we live.
kane you look good to me lol and miss kitty you have a nice ass lol you dont need make up just stick that out and you be good xD
I Believe my self to be attractive yes. I've been hit on many of times, and some have tried to pick me up before.
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