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Transgender, Turn off?

I was being sarcastic with the vote thing, I was hoping you would have picked up on it. Unfortunately you don't get a say in anything like that, sane or not it just isn't your right. No one cares if you can point out things that are true, that's not the topic at hand here. It most definately does matter if he feels that way because he can become one, unfortunately no matter how hard you believe red is blue its actually white. He is indeed a man but that will only be that way till he decides on what he would like to do. Little, don't make me laugh, I am open minded and supportive, not close minded and act like a complete asshole who tells people they need mental help because of the choices they are considering to make, he doesn't need little shits like you putting him down based on his mind set, but I guess it takes an adult to understand that . Just because you can't accept the fact man can become woman don't go around and putting people down because you don't feel that it is right. It doesn't matter if he was a man, he would have become a woman and would be classified as a woman by his friends, family, government and hospitals it wouldn't matter if he was a man or not there's nothing you can do about it or say because it would have happened and it would be made official.
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It is your right to voice your opinion as a person, however it is not your right to put someone down based on their thought process nor their choices in life when you could have made some ill minded choices yourself, no one is perfect, he is considering taking the step to being who he wants to be, you don't get the right to tell them that they are right, that's almost as bad as those churches who show up at military funerals protesting against what they are doing. it just simply isn't a luxury you get in life. Unless you have a degree in medicine you have no right calling someone mentally ill. From my point of view you are the one insulting someone who has voiced something they are considering doing and other people like that and telling me that they aren't classified as the gender they wish to be, and you call me the close minded person, if you didn't care what he thinks then why bother voicing your damn opinion in the first place you should have just passed the thread instead of stopping by and telling him he needs mental help . I don't mind if you disagree with me, what I mind is the fact you just insulted a seemingly nice person and called him mentally ill as well as the people who are thinking like him and saying that they can just suffer being someone he feels as though he isn't rather than being someone he should be, I am not treating you like a monster I am simply telling you that you don't get a say in how society works when it comes to something like this, when and if he becomes a she then that is there gender end of story, nothing you can do about it or say will matter. I in no way insisted that I was superior to you so I don't know where you came up with that idea, what I have been saying was that you don't get a right in putting someone down and telling them that they need help. Until you become some perfect being then you don't get to voice you opinion about how someone is thinking or what they want to do with them selves (provided it is something life threatening like drugs) and the reality is that they will become the other sex there's no way around it simple as that, at the end of the day they are someone who have accepted who they are and are happy with the outcome. Just quit while your ahead.
Yes, because procreation is needed for my bloodline to extend...
I'm pansexual and panromantic so no it isn't a turn-off and yes I would definitely date a transgender (or non-binary) person. As long as I liked them for who they are, sex and gender don't matter to me.
I would love to date someone who's transgender.
Honestly no. I don't want to sound mean. I would want to eventually have children. If I was dating someone and they told me halfway into a relationship I would feel as if I had been lied to. But if they told me upfront then I would kindly decline and say I just want to be friends. I'm not saying it's wrong but it's not for me.
Transgender people need lovins too ya know..and also bagels... muthas love bagels.
Actually, trangender doesn't end procreation, because not all transgenders become full transexuals (going all the way with drugs and surgery) and it can be for numerous reasons why they don't go that far. Being transgender also doesn't mean you're gay or a lesbian. My partner is transgender and I'm straight, we're getting on fine.
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