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Transgender, Turn off?

Aug 08, 15 at 9:32am
I think they're breakfast platter with a sausage, sometimes with scrambled eggs on the bottom...
Aug 08, 15 at 11:24am
Hmmm... Depends Looks like a woman and it went really well, sure I wouldn't care Still looks like a dude or an inbetween.... nah I wouldn't I have seen some look amazing And same is true at the opposite end where.... they were not blessed well.
im conserdring getting a sex change no joke cause i feel like im in the wrong body and honestly some of these comments have made me sick and disgusted :( </3
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I don't need psychiatric help I have felt like this since I was 8 years old I'm now 21 and also alot of my friends and family say I would be better of as a woman anyways I can't believe how close minded and arrogant some people are
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Look I get that in all and thats not that that pissed me off its fact you said I need psychiatric help just for feeling uncomfortable in the body I'm in I cant help its not like I feel like this cause I want its not a choice man if I needed psychiatric help I would have went years ago but I have been to counseling for different reasons 9times out of 10 I end up feeling a thousand times worse cause they are useless
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Ragna, did you vote against legalizing gay marriage, you seem like the type of person who would. As for saying that people like that are mentally ill that's both uncalled for and untrue, what gives you the right to say they need to seek help, so what if they have their jewels removed and wish to become a woman, that just plays a role in who they want to be, it is not in our place to say it isn't right, it would be his choice and he doesn't need little shits going around saying that he is sick because he wants to become a woman. As for shitty cosmetic surgery only half of the people who get it don't turn out 'picture perfect' but it's better that they are the gender they believe they should be rather than feeling like something is off or they are some sort of outcast. "It's not close minded and ignorant to say you can't be what you are not. Maybe you should have been born as a women, and I'm sorry you feel like that. But that does not change the simple fact you are a man and you will be a man for the rest of your life." No one can choose to born into a certain gender but that doesn't stop them from correcting that by going and getting surgery and becoming a woman, and as for the not changing the fact they are male and will always be male, sure they might have been male (emphasis on have been) at one point but once they are done they become a woman and will have all the legal documents (Birth certificate, Health card, license ect.) changed saying that they are of the other sex (in canada, not sure about the states), so if I am correct then that means they wont be a male for the rest of their life, they will be a woman. As for: "You can't support transexuals but at the same time not date then because they are transexual" Your right for once, you cant date someone because they are transgender, you are free to support them and date them because you like them as a person, but don't date them out of pitty or what ever, just thought i'd clear that bit up for you. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-N_iAD3zR2Nw/UksSodvkVMI/AAAAAAAABDY/f4nTYccAB30/s1600/tumblr_mty2eltqNM1sgpz9zo1_400.gif
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