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Greetings! ^_^/''

Aug 02, 15 at 1:38pm
Still pretty new to maiotaku figured why not introduce my self. most of my friends irl and in game call me hasu so feel free to! oh and Hi MaiOtaku community :3
Did they give you that nickname based on how you sneeze.. sounds a lot like a-choo to me xD I shall call you Brandon, you look a lot like a Brandon to me, welcome to MO and hope you enjoy your stay :)
Welcome to the site https://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbp7meMW9I1qdadc6o1_500.gif Hope you enjoy your stay and everything goes alright
Aug 02, 15 at 1:58pm
welcome to the site man i hope you have fun or something lol
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
Welcome. Wow there is a lot of PA heads here...
Aug 02, 15 at 2:49pm
Welcome, duh... c: http://api.ning.com/files/Vku3s2wlMTU2qiXZoG4GhIF9FfAa7Gn0AqVv-7cjt-DP8cth9zdzQR9G8FEByqnl0-M5P6iPc-EWjl-gR4n9P0SKPzWCX7jm/tumblr_m1t614JSq21qkpz7co1_500.gif
http://31.media.tumblr.com/0da74822c11f03126ce4c75e48e20a2e/tumblr_mzwgj0JjPl1sjiefgo3_250.gif Rock it liek its hawt. Welcome.
Aug 10, 15 at 2:45pm
thanks for all the welcome! been a little busy lately haven't been on to check. This site has been good to me so far so heres to good hopes for the future lol. oh and hasu was given to me as a nick name because i like Lotus flowers and lotus in japanees means hasu lol it just kinda stuck. also i get that i look like a Brandon alot either that or a matt lol. hope all of you are having a good time! oh yeh and nice gifs guys!
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