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why do people here have 10+ pictures of random anime bullshit and 0 pictures of themself?

As a Ukrainian, my people suffered under the Czars, Soviets, Nazis, and before all them, the Turkish people. But I turned my sword into a plow for peace. Yet, my only hope is Vladimir Putin and his henchmen will be defeated so 33 million Ukrainians do not die again
Your people didn't suffer under nations. That, my friend, is how wars form. By making the very ignorant assumption that the political leaders of a country are the country. Even in democracy we don't chose who becomes a political leader. We get a selection of people who have been selected very well beforehand and can chose from those. I've been in the Bundestag which is Germany's political Capitol and can without any regrets say that the people there are fucking idiots. Yeah, I'll be frank.. I'm what is called a "Putin Versteher" in Germany. Literally means "Putin Understander". I actually fear what will happen after his retirement. He's the only russian president that actually cares for the people and doesn't focus on bowing to the needs of other leaders like Merkel does. On a side note you shouldn't trust any source that is ultimately controlled by the government. In Western countries that includes TV and big news papers. They portray the world the way politicians want you to see not how it is. I only trust videos and good arguments. None of which Merkel or Obama could offer me.
Haha, Dutch people are awesome.. I mean when there's a village with street names inspired by The Lord Of The Rings it is to be expected. I've only been to Amsterdam though.
So back on track.... everyone's going to post selfie nudes now, am right? I think it has to do with insecurity. I mean most people who really classify themselves as Otaku lack in the social department, so it would make sense to lack confidence and keep their appearance a "mystery" so they can live out some form of role play fantasy on here. Then there is the issue with age. Back in my day *rocks in rocking chair* 13 yr olds didn't have internet profiles...especially for dating...
Well no one really said you can't have a million pictures of anime characters besides it's like your show casing your favorite anime characters other than that who knows xD
because nearly everyone here is just about as relevant as a number to me, i dont care to put the effort in to take a picture to show the numbers (that i for the most part dont care about) my face, if you wanna see my face, you can ask, i have no qualms with showing my face to people who care to see it, im not looking for a relationship, i already have one so i dont feel the need to try and entice people to add me by showing off my eyebrows
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