Anyone seen/ played Catherine?

Ithnan @ithnan
Anyone seen/ played Catherine?
Ithnan @ithnan
I didn't actually play it for myself but I watched Pewdiepie play through it to the Catherine end. And I absolute loved every second of it! If you have seen or played it, what was your favorite part? And if you haven't played or watched it, I highly recommend it :3

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
Anyone seen/ played Catherine?
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
I actually really liked the beginning. My friend and I played it to the end. It was interesting.

Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
commented on
Anyone seen/ played Catherine?
Half Baked Hikki @halfbakedhikki
Ya know, I actually haven't seen any playthroughs of it, despite being mildly curious about the game. o.o Apparently it's some trippy-as-hell platform puzzler?

Ithnan @ithnan
commented on
Anyone seen/ played Catherine?
Ithnan @ithnan
Pretty much XP most of the gameplay sequences are climbing up blocks. It sounds simple but it becomes increasingly complicated as you progress. But climbing blocks isn't all there is the the game, there are also animation sequences, choices that effect the ending of the story, and parts where you can walk aroundate bar and talk to people

kiritorbiter259 @kiritorbiter259
commented on
Anyone seen/ played Catherine?
kiritorbiter259 @kiritorbiter259
I've never played Catherine but I've seen game reviews of it. From what I've seen its a very perplexing game. I'd like to buy it but its kind of expensive in my area.

thanqouil @thanqouil
commented on
Anyone seen/ played Catherine?
thanqouil @thanqouil
I did finish the game and started a second playthrough. Never got around to finishing that tho :p I loved the way the game looks and how the story is delivered. For me the only issue with the game would be the controls. In some of the puzzle levels the controls felt a bit off.

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
commented on
Anyone seen/ played Catherine?
Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
I played it a few years back it was trippy as hell

InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
commented on
Anyone seen/ played Catherine?
InfernalMonsoon @infernalmonsoon
Played it on my PS3 from start to finish, bloody great game that I am utterly terrible at o/ It's definitely a game that needs to be played for the story and I'm not a very story-centric person when it comes to games but even so I find the game delivers a brilliant puzzle platformer as well o/

mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
commented on
Anyone seen/ played Catherine?
mrzsfo415 @mrzsfo415
I saw the game play on youtube ...
I think its kind of SAD ... had it been a real SRPG .. or RPG ..
or even a story driven dating SIM / visual novel type it would of done
much better ...
instead of a werid puzzle platformer ...

displaynamehere @purefault
commented on
Anyone seen/ played Catherine?
displaynamehere @purefault
I loved Catherine, but at times, it was infuriating with its difficulty. I think it was an excellent and unique experience, though, and I felt very, very accomplished beating it (even just on normal mode).
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