My Other Half

InfuserGod @infusergod
My Other Half
InfuserGod @infusergod
I've always searched for a woman who is like a reflection of myself, and loves the same things I do. I don't know if I will ever find her though.

dav7 @dav7
commented on
My Other Half
dav7 @dav7
Your not alone in that department. It's tough out there !!!! :( - to me it's near impossible to find another half without a few compromises.

mehsomethingsomethingsomet @mehsomethingsomethingsomething
commented on
My Other Half
mehsomethingsomethingsomet @mehsomethingsomethingsomething
Thing is, there will and always has to be compromise(unless your hand is good enough...;P) . There are some underlying fundamentals you should have in mind that should line up but other than that, don't be but so picky because you never know what great relationship you may be missing out on. Really though, when you find a woman any woman, she should be willing to try a few things and you never know you may just introduce her to somethings she will love and vice versa.
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