Another thing :o

Zenokun @zenokun
Another thing :o
Zenokun @zenokun
“Why are you laughing?” asked the King.
“Because you are foolish.” replied the Slave.
“Why? How?! Knock off the senseless tomfoolery this instant, peasant!” retorted the King.
“You believe in non-essential things.” said the Slave.
“Non-essential things?! Hah! As if a man with as low of a status as you could ever understand the beauty of Kingship. Would one not want riches and women? Silk and gold? Satin and treasure? Speak now, peon!”
“You really are a fool, aren’t you?” said the Slave, smiling an enticing smile.
“Well, I never. If you really devout yourself to the ways of prophecy, speak! Answer me, peasant, what should mankind believe in?” the King asked, furious beyond belief.
“Hope.” replied the Slave.
“Oh? And where would such a fragile thing such as ‘hope’ get you but below the pedestal?” asked the King with a tinge of curiosity.
“High into the heavens; high into your goals!” the Slave exclaimed.
“And if you should fall? If your hope diminishes -- if your goals are not attained?”
“Hope is an aspect of the human heart that will and shall not fade! In the case that an individual, such as yourself, is lacking, it proves that you are in need of a new resolution -- a new light.” said the Slave.
“Hah! Surely you jest, peasant! Are you not contradicting yourself? Your statement -- your ‘light...’ Where does such a thing exist if not existing in man?” asked the King, chuckling softly.
“It dwells deep within the recesses of your heart, foolish king. You must search and find; pick yourself up and ascend into the heavens, free from protocol.” replied the Slave.
“‘Freedom,’ you say? Although you are slowly rotting away in your dwelling, you dare to have hope for ‘freedom’? You dare to believe that a man such as yourself can escape the caste system? Do not be so naïve! Maybe it is you who are the fool, not I.” said the King.
The slave said not a thing, but laughed quietly inside his cell.
“What is it that makes you laugh? Speak now!” demanded the King.
“Your ignorance astounds me, notable, foolish King.” replied the Slave.
“My ignorance? You are but an insect that was born into the lowest level of the system, yet you dare to question my understanding? You and your ‘resolution,’ ‘hope,’ and ‘light’ will rot inside this cell!” said the King.
The King furiously walked away, the lights from his jewels illuminating as he took each step. The slave watched the foolish King as he stepped deeper and deeper into the darkness.

nintendo_werewolf @nintendo_werewolf
commented on
Another thing :o
nintendo_werewolf @nintendo_werewolf
This is really good writing I enjoyed the structure and pace of the writing's flow.

Zenokun @zenokun
commented on
Another thing :o
Zenokun @zenokun
Thank you. =3

nintendo_werewolf @nintendo_werewolf
commented on
Another thing :o
nintendo_werewolf @nintendo_werewolf
Your welcome. I like reading what you write and post on here, you have your writing anywhere else or just on here?

Zenokun @zenokun
commented on
Another thing :o
Zenokun @zenokun
I post some things on Tumblr from time to time. :O

nintendo_werewolf @nintendo_werewolf
commented on
Another thing :o
nintendo_werewolf @nintendo_werewolf
Ill have to check it out got a link?
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