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It's either i have bad-luck or Women suck.

I think alot of men would actually try if they get desperate enough.
For starters you are only 19, so I'm guessing you've been dating since you were about 14 if it's been for that long already according to your original post. Assuming most of the girls you have dated are around the same age as you, high school level relationships in general tend to be nothing more than superficial popularity contests at the end of the day. Rarely do high school sweethearts continue dating after graduating, get married, and start a family. Some I'm sure still do, but not nearly as much as 40 or 50 years ago. Not making excuses for these girls cheating on you, but at the end of the day, expecting strong committed relationships from most girls in that HS age range these days (as sad as it is) is unfortunately expecting a lot from them. A lot of them only give a shit about themselves, their reputations, and what they're going to do and where they're going to go after they graduate, especially when they get into their teens. bf's at most to them are an after thought and won't hesitate to move on if they see someone "better" in their eyes regardless of their previous SO's feelings, and that goes the same for a lot of teenage boys too. Getting into college age does help the maturity improve some, but even then it's not perfect. Frankly it just sounds like you've had a really bad rash of young immature girls who weren't ready for the kind of committed relationship you are/were looking for.
You have bad luck. Take some time to find what you want in a relationship. Those you ever thought it could be you the is the bad one? More then a few relationships fail for you. So maybe it is you. or what ever. I don't care much.
@Tetora, Yes Because i tell them to Kiss other men, I honestly think im fine- besides the PTSD i've suffered from- im not an asshole if that's what your implying, also secondly why would you post in the first place if you don't care? Seems like a contradiction on your part bud.
Well 3/4 of my girlfriends all cheated on me so I'd say it's not UNCOMMON at least. But you probably just had bad luck. Fact is that women aren't really any better than men in that regard, people in general seem to treat their lovers worse than they would treat a friend in a lot of ways. At the very least I'm sure you can find someone who won't cheat someday. Honestly though it's pretty sad when "Find someone that doesn't cheat" becomes some kind of goal or achievement. In the end I guess what I"m trying to say is you're not alone, stay strong man.
I say bad luck, I've only had one gf my entire life and it was in HS and it was a mutual break up different interests. What amazes me is how quick people are to cheat on each other like its socially acceptable its not! If you feel like you don't want to continue a relationship talk about it and say that you want to break up because of whatever, don't cheat on someone and have him/her find out later that's just mean do you really enjoy hurting someones feelings that much it pains me to see this everywhere maybe that's why I'm still single. It seems to be a cultural thing and cheating along with being unfaithful to someone is actually encouraged by those who have influence over young minds so I say its the bad luck of living in this generation but your not alone as you can see most of us are trying to understand both bad luck and women haha. To all you cheaters out there go watch the anime School Days that could happen to you.
@testarossa: very wise words! im with you for a 100% on the same page. @cecil: pretty much bullseye. @miki: though sometimes we all wish we could.. we cant change the past. So though i hear from you things did not work out in the past , you should realise its nothing more then that... the past. Se la vie! What good does it do to dwell on things already happened? It certainly doesn't if you have regrets. It would be better for you to focus on the now and the future. And take it from me.. you dont want to have regrets about serious things.. about relationships. it can haunt you if you let it.. "what if?" "should have said that..." those are things you dont wanna tell yourself all the time, thinking back about past times. ...i can relate however...have hat my share of luck in love-life. Sure self-reflection is a good thing but don't take it too far.. and look at the bright side as best as you can!... you must have learned something in the process.. thats always positive! Im sorry to hear you were hurt by those girls.. but its maybe better to be happy about that things didn't continue or work out.. you don't want to spent your life at the side of someone who doesn't care about you and/or only hurts your feelings, right? Just keep one thing in mind however: what you sow is what you reap. If you start doing the same thing to other people as to what has been done to you; 1) are you sure you want to do that? you will degenerate yourself to their level. you are better then that, aren't you? 2) keep in mind that whoever you are going to share your life with ... the only person you will always have to live with for 100% certainty is YOURSELF. above all make sure you live in harmony with yourself BEFORE you want to be in harmony with someone else?! 3) exchange point of views. Do you ever want to be hurt like that again? No? Then why should you do it too others?! .. What you don't want to happen to you, don't do that to someone else.. ....otherwise the circle continues... Got to give you credits for showing your hand open on the table. If you wanna talk about things.. you can talk to me if you want.. good luck!
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