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Okay so me and my boyfriend were having a really good relationship with serious implications. We are in a long distance relationship, one thing lead to another and I cheated on him. He knows and still wants to try make this relationship work. One of his friends suggested we should add another girl into the relationship, what do you guys think?
Sounds like to me you cheated on him so he uses adding another girl as a way to cheat on you but in a way its not cheating , just my opinion but seems suss that his friend said you should do this sound like he had a little talk in his friends ear
Jul 15, 15 at 7:08pm
I think you and your boyfriend need to seriously reflect and talk about what you guys want out of your relationship, where there's problems, and what you're both willing to do to fix them. I can't personally imagine me responding that I'd want to bring in another person if I was in your boyfriend's shoes, because I can only see that making matters worse But ultimately you need to talk to him and you both need to be brutally honest with what y'all are feeling and what y'all's options are.
Jul 15, 15 at 7:18pm
Long story short, here's your sign. You cheated on him? Ok, that alone is more than enough reason to know it will not work. Need a threesome? Yeah, because that's always part of a healthy relationship. Why did you cheat in the first place? Obviously it wasn't going so good if you felt the need to cheat(one thing lead to another aka you still had a choice) and adding a third wheel will not fix it, it will only get worse. Just abandon ship gracefully and learn a lesson. Nothing about this so called "relationship" sounds healthy. There's no respect, I'm suspecting a severe lack of communication and unhappiness due to distance which leads to straying.
Jul 15, 15 at 7:28pm
gotta agree with yaasshat. I'm curious as to how the other girl is coming into a long distance relationship though? Also he may say he wants to make it work but in his head or could just be thinking oh I have total leverage over her in this relationship and can bring this up anytime I want to get my way. Its unfortunate but looking at it realistically theres already some irreparable damage to the relationship idk how attached you are but I would cut my losses.
Jul 16, 15 at 7:23pm
Take the fact that you cheated out of the question and think how would involving another girl improve the relationship. Your bf's friend is only throwing in a form of revenge. Even if you two stay together this episode will always be in the back of your minds, at worst it would just continue. xueli, yaasshat and uhmanda have it right, time to walk away from this and reflect on what you learned.
^Why I don't do long distance relationships, A relationship without sex or at least some sort of physical contact is pointless. Someone usually gets horny and cheats, or just gets bored from no physical affection.
Jul 16, 15 at 8:43pm
Kinda the reason I would like someone in my area / city. Much more at ease and less likely to do something like this. I don't let it limit me though I would say, damage is done, just let it go
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