Dennis @helix
Dennis @helix
I'm rather surprised there isn't a single topic about this game. Anyway, does anyone play it?! Go ahead and tell us about your favorite hero/build, and share steam!
Neishy @neishkeish
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Neishy @neishkeish
rancethevii @rancethevii
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rancethevii @rancethevii
Why is EternalEnvy-sama the best Doto2 pro ever?
xlerb @xlerb
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xlerb @xlerb
Ahhh DOTA one of my favorites. Decided to try out Lina who was an awesome character. I however despise Rikki, it seems like every match with him, he comes after me only.
Dennis @helix
commented on
Dennis @helix
I personally don't like EE my self, not only that he tends to get outpicked a lot and throws games, but he complains too much. But well, he's a Otaku him self so I suppose other Otakus like him ^^. Yeah Lina is awesome, but riki can ruin a game if you don't counter him with sentries/dust etc really early on.
therogueknight @therogueknight
commented on
therogueknight @therogueknight
I love to play Templar Assassin, Queen of Pain, Pugna, Nightstalker, Slark,Spectre, Outworld Devourer, and Sven. Steam name is Hououin Kyouma, and Im Ian from Texas. (Since its a common name lol)
adalton @adalton
commented on
adalton @adalton
TI5 is in a couple days, anyone else excited?
also i play this game a lot here is my steam add me and join in the dotoing
(send me a message or something if you add me so that i know you aren't just some bot)
Danny @xshiroy
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Danny @xshiroy
~Aye, can't want for TI xD I just random if not playing Meepo, Invoker, Pudge, Earthshaker, TA or SF.
adalton @adalton
commented on
adalton @adalton
Isnt TI like tomorrow or something?? Wooooo
And, yaaa same. in fact, i usually play all random with my friends. that's basically the best game mode, everywhere else you get people who pick heros. Like, cmon. who PICKS heros??
(when I do feel like being a dirty hero picker though, I am usually an even dirtier naga picker)
Sazu @sazu
commented on
Sazu @sazu
played for like a good 4-5 years starting wc3. havent played in months. Usually playing any mid champ or randoming, favourites would be tinker, earth spirit, kunkka, builds usually trolling just for fun, anti mage or qop with a blink dagger etc haha
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