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Well, it's over.

Well, after saying the wrong thing too many times, I ruined an amazing relationship with my guardian angel. Her profile is deactivated, but she goes by Hajime on these parts. We'd been fighting over how I kept doubting her commitment time after time, and during that, I called her a selfish heartbreaker. Very fucked up. After some hours, I had what was our first video chat. All I can say, wow, just simply magnificent. I felt that she was right there with me, and I fucked it up because this call was just for me to apologize or at least explain myself. After she hung up, I didn't feel that was a proper goodbye, so we tried it again. The video chat was so beautiful and heart breaking. I was finally able to give her the eskimo kisses we always shared in messages and calls. I was able to stroke her cheeks. I was able to kiss her cheeks, nose, and forehead, just like I've done over calls and messages. And in the end of it all, I was able to get my first kiss from her. She stole the first one without warning. The second time, she turned around too fast. But the third time, We both slowly leaned in to the screens and had a kiss that felt like it lasted an eternity, but I wanted it to last even longer than that. I felt all the love from childhood crushes bundled up into one and hitting me all at once the moment I felt her lips through that screen. Honey, it's too late and too early for a second chance, but I'm yours and only yours, always. I'll be a good cat while you're gone and stay clean like I have ever since you helped me quit, Owner. I love you Alexia, meow!
Sep 03, 15 at 3:42am
So much hate.. sickens me. Best of luck.
Sep 03, 15 at 7:56am
This account has been suspended.
Sep 03, 15 at 1:42pm
...Sounds like a huge amount of infatuation, buuuuut.....Sorry about your loss....I guess. Also, if you think kissing a computer screen gets you feeling all warm and fuzzy, just wait until you get to actually feel real warm flesh, you'll pop...;)
Waaaah that was so sappy...but it was cute ^.^ Sorry to hear that though
Awww that was adorable but soorry for your lose. I can understand how you felt in some ways with this though.
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