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Long distance vs Real life

There is a person that i met like 3 years ago online on tinychat (Online video chat room) I was in a bad mood and a little drunk, when he camed up Also more than a little tipsy, i think he was on a party with friends,.. I dont remember everything, but he wrote his cellphonenumber into the chat and told me to call him, so i did... Even though I didnt belive he would write me his real number,but still i gave it a try And i heard the most amazing voice in my life answer the phone, Thats how we started out as friends, we talked to each other, while video chatting with all others and I was having so much fun, after hanging up, i added him on skype and thats when we talked for the first time the whole night until midday He is a really cute kind guy, and really good looking,so I started to feel my heartbeat faster everytime I talked to him or saw his pretty face :3 Also he has this killersmile, he is such a cute dork <3 We spent so many nights laughing together and he cherred me up so many times when I was down, I started spending everynight for 7 months with him, We talked to each other,he teached me how to play LoL, he played the guitar for me, we were checking out vids and movies together and playing around on skype as often as possible When he was tipsy or drunk he would always call me and saay stuff like he wants to kiss me,... And thats how I fell in love with him So i decided i gotta eran money and visit this guy because he is just perfect, He loves Animes, Gaming,Jrock, and all the stuff i love,he does thesame things i do, We even listen to the same music So I grabbed a Job and starrted to earn enough money to end up in his arms , but things got hard Also we both got kinda busy and we stopped skyping , barely wrote messages, even stopped completly for a year , This May I wrote him Birthday wishes on Facebook, seems he is super happy i wrote him Say he missed me and writes me a message from time to time, He still says he wants us to meet up, I just dont know how serious he is? I dont know how he feels, and he will change the topic if i ask him, i did already earlier, I want to see him on skype, but i dont wanna be clingy... How can i know if he is (still)serious about me ?
If he changes the subject when you ask him how he feels about you then it's time to walk away, that's an indication that he's already moved on, either finding someone else (IRL or online) or just giving up.
Had a girlfriend that lived 11 hours from me, the distance was long but we managed to stay together as a couple for a year or so. Things began going downhill because of that distance I believe so would I recommend a long distance relationship? Probably not. Would I do it again if I had to? Yes...unfortunately I probably would. The thing is I drove to see her, but she never seemed interested in driving 11 hours to see me. Skype was fun, but overtime it will drag you down. I suggest letting it go ~
Jul 01, 15 at 4:10pm
so you are suggesting to let it go But like boisterousbunny said ihave thus craving too see him and to taalk to him and he keeps answering so my hooe is still groowing...
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