Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?

Yexran @yexran
Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?
Yexran @yexran
Who's excited for kh3? =3

Ushio @ushioryuusei
commented on
Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?
Ushio @ushioryuusei
Who would ever be excited for a KH game??? I mean they're so crap especially when you realize that you're stuck playing as Sora and his overwhelming positivity. He's such a bad character and blah blah blah.
Lol I'm pretty excited. xD The e3 footage have my hopes up so high right now. And it looks like Sora's finally grown so I'm looking forward to probably alot more feely moments and a hell of a lot more funny moments. I just hope they don't end up rushing it to meet deadlines. I also hope that Square gets Utada to come out of retirement and do one last song for the series.

Yexran @yexran
commented on
Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?
Yexran @yexran
The game wouldn't be the same without her voice haha. The game actually has a lot of information out, and a release date has been decided (though not announced) and all that. TheGamersJoint has tons of info too (he's on youtube, but you probably knew that). God at first when I was reading your response I was like *cries internally* XD

Uninterested. @coffeelink
commented on
Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?
Uninterested. @coffeelink
I AM AM SO GOING TO TAKE MY XBOX OUT AND SHOOT IT WITH A 40MM AND THEN BUY A PS4- I'm sorry i've been so disloyal; please take me back and fill me with your sweet kingdom hearts... 0.0

Yexran @yexran
commented on
Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?
Yexran @yexran
Lol regular xbox? Cause if it was an xbox one you wouldn't have to do all that. :P
That being said, yes, you were very disloyal Q.Q
I will in no way condemn the purchase of a ps4 though, even if you already have the xbox. Ps4 is love, ps4 is life

Ushio @ushioryuusei
commented on
Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?
Ushio @ushioryuusei
o-o TheGamersJoint? Never heard of 'em xD But really I've only been keeping up with the trailers that SE's released. Don't want to get my hopes up/spoil it for myself.

trahecreations @trahecreations
commented on
Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?
trahecreations @trahecreations
I will have to buy a new game console for it, so I will wait.

Yexran @yexran
commented on
Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?
Yexran @yexran
That's alright. You've got plenty of time.
The release date of the release date is 11/3/2015 though haha

Dudl3y @l1ght
commented on
Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?
Dudl3y @l1ght
I got to the last save point before xemnas and then had to streetfight someone and never picked it back up.

Yexran @yexran
commented on
Kingdom Hearts 3 anyone?
Yexran @yexran
Aww you should pick it back up someday. Which game?
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