To find that person..

XXKanaKannaXX @xxkanakannaxx
To find that person..
XXKanaKannaXX @xxkanakannaxx
Its so hard to find a good guy.. Especially in the small state and town I live in. I just want to find the special someone...I think we all do..

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
To find that person..
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Yes I know what you mean. I always wondered how lonely it must be for those towns were the population is small. Your choices are so limited at times. Although in the cites there are more choices and more chances o get screwed. However, like you i also believe people deep down are looking for that special someone. That's why I haven't given up on the human race. For now if you like keep us company and talk with as. Just say what's on your mind I am sure we all will have something to say. Welcome. This site might just come back to life once all Anime fans start to gather here.

XXKanaKannaXX @xxkanakannaxx
commented on
To find that person..
XXKanaKannaXX @xxkanakannaxx
Yeah I defantly agree! You know I think this site is really good for just talking to people and ive meet some really nice people on here. It keeps me happy and gives me hope! I defantly think this website is a great one though.

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
commented on
To find that person..
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
Even so, just look at the bright side. When you finally find that someone, you'll realize they were worth the wait.

venatir6420 @venatir6420
commented on
To find that person..
venatir6420 @venatir6420
just be careful though, looks can be deceiving... I found this out many time the hard way...

z3rosiris @z3rosiris
commented on
To find that person..
z3rosiris @z3rosiris
^ As did I -_-
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