lost an oppertunity

sakuralover22 @sakuralover22
lost an oppertunity
sakuralover22 @sakuralover22
I recently realized that I had feelings for a cowrker Im really close too, but its too late because she has a kid now and the boyfriend is a complete idiot and thats not my opinion a large chunk of her family and at work think hes an idiot. The last 2 days was just hell for me finally realizing this and knowing I actually had a chance, because she told me now im super bummed out and I feel like this idiot isn't going to change. I try to keep thinking it's over just move on but its really difficult.

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
commented on
lost an oppertunity
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
You serious man? She told you you have a chance as in now or past tense? Sounds a bit complicated. If I were you I would not get involved with someone at work. Is dangerous for you and her. That could lead to tragedy. There are several cases were people get screwed that way and loose their jobs. Keep it professional. If is the kid you are worried about. You should be because she may be saying things to you at of other motivates. You would need to explain the situation even deeper. Lets face it if she wasn't ready to be a mother and the guy isn't taking responsibility she may be cutting her losses and settling with you. Caution is advised in every angle.

kyoshiro @kyoshiro
commented on
lost an oppertunity
kyoshiro @kyoshiro
Endlessknight yep yep agree agree. Don't date nobody under the same roof. Imagine what it's like when u guys have an argument at home and u still have to see her face at work LOL Mataku!!!
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