T.Y.M.E. teaser / Seeker
Red Masque @masque_of_red
T.Y.M.E. teaser / Seeker
Red Masque @masque_of_red
Greetings friends, fiends, and outcasts, and welcome to the first “issue” of T.Y.M.E. Annals. Since production is a problem right now for the books, the big guy at Timeclock Comics has asked me to introduce you all to the three heavy hitters in the book. So you ready, because I sure am. Ha-ha
This story involves seeker. Let’s see what happens when an unsuspecting gang of criminals is found by our dark avenger shall we.
T.Y.M.E. Annals Seeker
(Scene opens with a gang of criminals on a rooftop under construction in Seattle)
(Group of three thugs moves a container to a waiting gang)
(Gang Leader) This better be worth our time, Carlo.
(Head Thug) Trust me boss
“Thug kicks open container to reveal several heavy weapons”
(Gang Leader) Hahahaha, now this is what is what is all about boys. (Leader picks up two m-16 rifles)
(Criminals start to laugh as a mysterious figure watches from one of the beams)
(Gang Leader) The Warhawks are about to have a rude awakening.
(Gang Members start cheering)
(A gas bomb is thrown into the crowd)
(Gang Leader) What the hell (cough) (cough)
(Thug) (cough) can’t see)
(figure grabs one of the thugs and drags him out of sight)
(Thug 1) aaaaaaaaah!
(Thugs start firing at the attacker, unknowingly shooting themselves)
(Gang Leader) Stop shooting you idiots, your shooting each other!
(Smoke clears with several thugs dead or defeated.)
(Figure reveals himself, and only the gang leader and the figure remain)
(The two stare each other down)
(Gang Leader starts firing at the figure)
(Gang Leader) DIE YOU FREAK!!!!!!!!!
(Figure dodges the bullets and uppercuts the gang leader)
(Gang leader throws guns away)
(Gang Leader) Fine, I’d rather choke you to death anyway.
(Figure and Gang Leader start exchanging blows; until the figure punches the leader with a tear gas bomb in is hand!
(Leader) AH, YOU PIECE OF S***!
(Figure gains underhand and pins the leader the ground)
(Figure) Who do you work for?
(Figure starts crushing leader’s hand)
(Leader) Ahhh, im not telling you s*** freak.
(Figure lets go and speaks)
(I have other ways to make you talk)
(Skyline is shown with the gang leader screaming)
(20 minutes later)
(Rooftop is covered with police and warhawk officers)
(Detective shows badge to officer)
(D) What happened here?
(Officer) Seems like some sort of gang fight as far as we can tell. Not uncommon really, there a lot of gang related crime in this area.
(D) And who is he?
(Detective points at the gang leader)
(Officer) Albert Thompson, you of the Rage brothers.
(D) The mob reformers?
(Officer) That’s right, though the guy doesn’t really live up to his reputation; he’s a ball of nerves. So much for fearless crime boss.
(The detective walks over to talk to Albert)
(Albert flinches as the detective bends down to talk to him)
(D) I’m Detective Yoshida with the Seattle police; I need you to tell me what happened here.
(Albert) no no no no no no, dark, black, evil. No no no no no.
(D) Albert please, I just need you to tell me who did this.
(Albert) No no no, he’s crazy, mad. No no no
(D) Albert?
(Officer intervenes)
(Officer) You won’t get anything out of him detective, he’s completely out of it.
(Detective stands)
(D) This is the fifth incidents where these criminals were found like this, I truly believe the vigilante is behind it.
(Officer) Detective, the vigilante is a myth.
(D) You’ve seen Meta humans on the news and you call this a myth?!
(Officer just scratches the back of his head as the detective leaves)
(D) Who are you?
(Next scene shows an abandoned warehouse with the figure jumping through the open skylight)
(Figure walks down the stairs and up to a laptop sitting on a table with a bunch of equipment)
(Figure) Seven different weapon deals in the past three months. Even heavy hitters are getting involved now.
(Figure looks at a board with names, pictures, and pictures of a dark figure circled in red)
(Figure) And you’re pulling all the strings.
(Figure slams his hand on the table)
(Figure) I will find you, and I’m going to make you pay.
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