still on skyrim
RaveNeko @raveneko
still on skyrim
RaveNeko @raveneko
yup i started a new character cuz my first character was a khajiit barbarian >.< lol
im now a orc barbarian & im doing some dungeon raids
Veru @verucassault
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still on skyrim
Veru @verucassault
My most recent play through was with a dark elf but I usually play Nord. With Oblivion it was Nord then Khajiit.
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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still on skyrim
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
Been busy playing Witcher, Bloodborne and DS2SoFS.
Plan on continuing my character, who is a nord, werewolf, I use greatswords, and some fire magic, added with minor healing.
Never actually finished Skyrim...I plan on doing it sooner or later though hahahaha.
Veru @verucassault
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still on skyrim
Veru @verucassault
As cool as the vampire and werewolf things are, I don't transform and use them. I played as a vampire through the Dawnguard expansion but really it was to see that side of the story. I'm a theif/assassin/archer type. Sneak is usually what I master first and in Skyrim I love unlocking assassination because the kill scenes for slitting throats is pretty awesome. ^_^
RaveNeko @raveneko
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still on skyrim
RaveNeko @raveneko
i'm a ware wolf but i rarely use it, im more of a full frontal decapitate my enemies & wearing awesome heavy armor type
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
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still on skyrim
Leo The Wolf @leo_ss
@vercassualt Yeah~, It honestly isn't the best thing to do for simply maxing out damage and power. Though I just like becoming a werewolf and tearing stuff up hahahaha. I'm obviously no pro in Skyrim, But I usually go for extremely damaging, and fast, while letting my defenses suffer for a balance hahaha, I also add fire in anything again. Though if it's a choice of fast, strong, stealth or magic, I usually go for strength hahaha.
Red Masque @masque_of_red
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still on skyrim
Red Masque @masque_of_red
Played the whole game with a argonian beresker. Loved the warhammers.
Veru @verucassault
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still on skyrim
Veru @verucassault
I never could fight dragons with melee weapons so being an archer was an advantage. Master that and while sneaking you can take out a dragon in 2-4 hits depending on the type of dragon.
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