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I don't know what to do anymore...

@OtakuJT - You may face this dilemma more than once in your life as many do. As for which one to date the only right answer is the one you have to determine based on your values. If both of these girls are openly waiting for you to pick one of them(rarely happens as they would likely compete for your attention like sending nudies to Arc) you must do it reasonably quickly as it is not nice to leave people hanging. At 16 attraction feels very intense(often mistaken as love) and is an unexplored country as it were but you are too young to be in a committed long-term relationship. At 16 no one knows who they really are yet and many changes are still ahead in your lives. Only one way to learn...go for it and stay strong and grow wiser. You could try dating both of them openly to get to know them better and just say you are too young to have a committed GF yet and just want to keep things casual. If you try this route do not let it look like it is because you can't decide or they both may find you of weak character and move on. Also once you do have a GF do not be surprised if other girls come out of nowhere acting interested in you unexpectedly. Your dating market value goes up if you already have won the approval of other girls. They will lie and say it is untrue but most girls compete hard and viciously for love, more than most men.
Wish i had your problems sadly nope. I'd say go on dates with both and see which one is better for you? Get to know them better and see if either of you click?
this only happens to me in the witcher 3, so sad...anyways don't mistake love for attraction and think carefully who you really like
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