Otaku guys in Vegas?

subarucamui @subarucamui
Otaku guys in Vegas?
subarucamui @subarucamui
Hey, I'm 21, sort of quite...and i haven't really had any good relationships...all the guys i ask out all say no...the guys that have ask me out have been...what is a good way of putting it? sort of like Prussia from hetalia...:/ I'm just looking for someone who like anime, cosplay, going to conventions. and its a plus if you like yaoi XD lol jk but really..sorry there is no picture...im not very confident about my looks i feel that all the guys i've tried going out with turned me down because of my looks...so...anyone around?

demonotaku @demonotaku
commented on
Otaku guys in Vegas?
demonotaku @demonotaku
Believe me, I know how you feel...I'm way too shy in real life to talk to girls, I love all that....(I been with one girl who was way way way way to obsessed with yaoi) and I'm no where near Prussia, more like italy cross with England

subarucamui @subarucamui
commented on
Otaku guys in Vegas?
subarucamui @subarucamui
XD oh wow, does that mean your food is good and bad?

demonotaku @demonotaku
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Otaku guys in Vegas?
demonotaku @demonotaku
No it means I give up easy and no one listens to my ideas lmao

subarucamui @subarucamui
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Otaku guys in Vegas?
subarucamui @subarucamui
LOL awww i guess im a cross between canada and lithuania, i think food will solve some problems but i am very quite

demonotaku @demonotaku
commented on
Otaku guys in Vegas?
demonotaku @demonotaku
Me too. If you were at AV last year I was the guy with the vash bag

subarucamui @subarucamui
commented on
Otaku guys in Vegas?
subarucamui @subarucamui
i might have seen you, last year i was in the masqurede, i was the america in the hetalia skit

demonotaku @demonotaku
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Otaku guys in Vegas?
demonotaku @demonotaku
Didn't go to that a girl kinda killed me that day plus I didn't have a fancy outfit.

subarucamui @subarucamui
commented on
Otaku guys in Vegas?
subarucamui @subarucamui
oh not the ball i mean the skits...or is that your talking about XD

demonotaku @demonotaku
commented on
Otaku guys in Vegas?
demonotaku @demonotaku
I didn't know there was skits. Honestly I'm interested in to cosplay but never really did it before
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