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Hi everyone

Hello :) My name is Felix, I'm 20 years old I love anime and manga (obviously) I don't really know other people that do, so I decided to try to make friends that do, hope we can be friends :D
Jun 04, 15 at 5:26pm
Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
Jun 04, 15 at 5:32pm
Hiii lol welcome to MO this is the sites official mascot ¬ ¬ the others are just imposters XD anyway welcome welcome hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here
Thanks :D I think I will :)
Voli @voli commented on Hi everyone
Jun 05, 15 at 2:42am
Hey Felix ^^ how do you do ? welcome to MO... hope you like it here... I love the way your post is so cheerful xD hope you find loads of friends as well... you didn't say yout favourite anime though ? :3
Jun 05, 15 at 3:20am
Hi.... My name is Anikki... I have loved anime and manga since before I knew... My mom watches it with us.... I have few fav animes... I joined this site cuz I want find ppl that have the same interest than me.. instead of ppl thinking Im watching "cartoons" (cant believe I said that) O////////////////O
Voli @voli commented on Hi everyone
Jun 05, 15 at 3:23am
Hey Anicki. . Welcome to MO as well... post a topic of your own so everyone else can welcome you too
Jun 05, 15 at 3:25am
Im sry....
Hello shootingstars and Anikki.Hope you both have a pleasant time here on MO
Dude I love Sailor Mars, +100000000 for your profile pic ^O^ Welcome to the site! And you too, Anikki. Hope you have fun here!
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