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I tried to come up with a creative title. Promise. I am Matt, although online I tend to just be called "Seele" due to my username of choice. I am an avid video game player and a boat girl loving shitlord. I'm not entirely sure why I am here. Look at my cat. Isn't she cute? http://i.imgur.com/Czasaz9.jpg
Jun 04, 15 at 7:30am
poke it to make sure shes alive
Jun 04, 15 at 10:44am
Omg omg omg that kitty is so kawaii lol welcome to you and your cat :3 hope you enjoy your stay and have fun here http://i50.tinypic.com/2wrdkes.gif
anon @otakujt commented on Hello.
Jun 04, 15 at 12:20pm
Welcome to MaiOtaku! :D And such a cute cat. lol
Jun 04, 15 at 5:27pm
She is adorable~ Please, enjoy your stay ^ ^ http://i.imgur.com/FSZzK8u.jpg
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