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What is ____

1. How faithful are you that you can find somebody that will stay with you long term. Not very. Most women are ill equipped for a serious relationship these days. 2.Do you feel that a relationship should last a lifetime or feel it to be realistic? I think we all want to make long lasting relationships. I do not place too much expectations on it. I do my best to enjoy the time I have with someone who is close and hope/work that it lasts. 3. How important do you feel your standards are in a relationship? I am fairly uncompromising in my beliefs. 4. Why do you want a relationship? I don't unless it is a really good partner. 5. If you were to be alone for the rest of your life how would you feel? Having a blast enjoying myself, likely richer. 6. If you were to define it under a few things if you do not have a relationship what would they be? If you do have a relationship what factors do you believe helped you in that? I am not in a relationship at the moment because I have been avoiding them to focus on my work. 7. If I asked you how important finding somebody was what would you say? Not too important. I don;t want marriage and kids so that disqualifies me with 80% fo the women I meet. I have accepted this a long time ago. I do sometimes casually date a few girls I know but mostly for companionship. 8. Do you consider yourself more independent or dependent perhaps balanced? Balanced. 9.Are you happy with yourself as of now? Mostly. I am working on living healthier and quitting smoking cigs. 10. If you had to choose between changing yourself or letting go of somebody which would you pick? It depends on what I was asked to change. I already walked away from a fiance over forced religion and manipulation.
I think I misunderstood the 6th question, because I'm not in a relationship at the moment. It boils down to opportunity and not meeting someone I can talk to well lol. I find that no matter how much I may be attracted to someone, if I can't hold a conversation with them, it's a no-go.
Jun 04, 15 at 10:01am
what is love? Baby don't hurt, don't hurt me... no more~
Jun 05, 15 at 6:08pm
@lovely_complexities I think it could be too wordy. I apparently misunderstood it as well.
Jun 06, 15 at 9:35pm
Jun 07, 15 at 12:41am
These are just my thoughts today. Tomorrow is another day, and anything can always change. 1. How faithful are you that you can find somebody that will stay with you long term. Close to zero faith. I don't have magical relationship glasses. There's too many variables, to say with absolute resolve, that today I will go out and make someone stay with me long term. A relationship cannot be forced or bought but has to brew over time like a perfect storm. Not that long term relationships don't exist - it's just impossible to tell which sparks will burn bright or fizzle out. 2.Do you feel that a relationship should last a lifetime or feel it to be realistic? A relationship should last as long as it lasts. People change from one day to the next, and their relationships with those around them are constantly evolving. So long as it's beneficial to both parties to be together, then that's their choice to remain a couple. 3. How important do you feel your standards are in a relationship? While I will give you bonus points for being a magical alicorn princess, it's not a deal breaker. 4. Why do you want a relationship? Who says I want a relationship? 5. If you were to be alone for the rest of your life how would you feel? It'd probably feel like the first half of my life. Some ups, some downs. Nothing so exciting, but content enough. 6. If you were to define it under a few things if you do not have a relationship what would they be? I don't play nicely with others. My best friend from high school & college told me straight: You're an asshole. But what's more important, is that you aren't a dick. 7. If I asked you how important finding somebody was what would you say? My hierarchy of needs: At the top of the pyramid is air, then food, water, rest & shelter. After that you get into acquiring resources to provide the above necessities. Then towards the bottom you get relief from everyday life: anime, artistic expression, video games. And finally finding somebody is mixed in with other non-essential desires along the very bottom. 8. Do you consider yourself more independent or dependent perhaps balanced? I try as best I can to do everything by myself. That doesn't mean I don't ask for help whenever I'm in over my head. Except that one time in college when I got pneumonia - I thought I was a goner for sure. 9.Are you happy with yourself as of now? I've been playing Splatoon all day and just finished half a supreme pizza for dinner. That's what I call a happy Saturday. Too bad, there's no new episode of ponies for a while. But I do love some good anticipation. 10. If you had to choose between changing yourself or letting go of somebody which would you pick? Well if someone can't accept you for who you are, then you probably don't have the right chemistry together. Perhaps if they were trying to stop a dangerous addiction of yours, or threatening lifestyle choices. Then maybe.
Jun 07, 15 at 2:22am
1. How faithful are you that you can find somebody that will stay with you long term. yes 2.Do you feel that a relationship should last a lifetime or feel it to be realistic? I don't think all relationships are meant to last a lifetime. Different people teach you different things and they're in your life for a set amount of time. I do believe that we should all be lucky enough to end w a soulmate tho 3. How important do you feel your standards are in a relationship? ??? idt I would date someone who isn't up to my standards (not just looks wise) so I don't rly understand this 4. Why do you want a relationship? I want a best friend who I can also do gay things w 5. If you were to be alone for the rest of your life how would you feel? emo af 6. If you were to define it under a few things if you do not have a relationship what would they be? If you do have a relationship what factors do you believe helped you in that? I'm sry I don't understand this question 7. If I asked you how important finding somebody was what would you say? Yes 8. Do you consider yourself more independent or dependent perhaps balanced? Dependent tbh 9.Are you happy with yourself as of now? yea I wanna lose weight tho 10. If you had to choose between changing yourself or letting go of somebody which would you pick? It depends like if I truly needed to change I would be happy to (I'm not perfect + like in a relationship I wanna find someone who will help me become a Better person) but also like I mean changing myself drastically is not an appropriate thing for a significant other to do so like drop their ass lmao
- @reddwin commented on What is ____
Jun 07, 15 at 7:56am
what is love~ baby dont hurt me, dont hurt me, no more~ (first thing i thought of when i read the title) 1. How faithful are you that you can find somebody that will stay with you long term. I have no idea. I believe that there is someone out there for me but i have no idea when i'll meet him. Also i have high expectations of my partner so that causes me to reject alot of people i meet ._. 2.Do you feel that a relationship should last a lifetime or feel it to be realistic? I want a lifetime relationship so I don't get into any that I feel won't last long. :/ 3. How important do you feel your standards are in a relationship? Probably way too high. LOL shrugs. 4. Why do you want a relationship? To reassure myself that people love me and are willing to stay with me despite my flaws. 5. If you were to be alone for the rest of your life how would you feel? Well I wouldn't like that, but if it happens too bad I guess ._. 6. If you were to define it under a few things if you do not have a relationship what would they be? If you do have a relationship what factors do you believe helped you in that? I don't understand this question. 7. If I asked you how important finding somebody was what would you say? It's semi-important to me. I'm not in a rush to find anyone atm, but it would just be nice if the relationship comes sooner :p 8. Do you consider yourself more independent or dependent perhaps balanced? Balanced. 9.Are you happy with yourself as of now? No. I have low self esteem but I'm always striving to improve that. 10. If you had to choose between changing yourself or letting go of somebody which would you pick? I feel like I shouldn't have to change for anybody unless I'm definitely at fault or we're both willing to change :p I hope I'd never have to let my partner go but I would if they did something morally wrong like cheating.
Alright, I'll play your game - you rogue! 1. How faithful are you that you can find somebody that will stay with you long term. a. I am decently faithful on the subject, if everything clicks between the both of us. 2.Do you feel that a relationship should last a lifetime or feel it to be realistic? a. I think relationships are pretty flexible, some people want life-long romances while others want a short-term relationship. Personally I'm alright with a few short-term relationships, seeing which girl is right for me but when I find the best one for me - that's when I'll do my best to keep it a long-term relationship 3. How important do you feel your standards are in a relationship? a. I think my standards for my ideal women are fairly reasonable, not too high and not too low - I would like a girl who has a great balance of personality and physical beauty. A girl I can find cute with a lovable personality, but of course they will have a set of flaws that I can end up accepting. Nobody's perfect after all and a girl who is comfortable with themselves, including their flaws and isn't afraid of expressing their true self to me will be the one who steals my heart. 4. Why do you want a relationship? a. Mutual love. Someone to understand me for who I am and to accept me for everything I am. Someone to take away the loneliness and make me feel loved and wanted. Someone who is loyal and appreciates me even for small things. Someone to consort me when I feel down where I feel comfortable telling her everything. And also gives lots of warms hugs. 5. If you were to be alone for the rest of your life how would you feel? a. Pretty shitty to be honest, I'm just hoping that won't be the case for me. 6. If you were to define it under a few things if you do not have a relationship what would they be? If you do have a relationship what factors do you believe helped you in that? a. I have no idea what you're saying here. 7. If I asked you how important finding somebody was what would you say? a. It's important but it's not something I am rushing - no point in rushing if you ask me. I like to take it slow, enjoy life and experience things and I'll let someone come into my life whenever the time feels right. So yeah, no rush. 8. Do you consider yourself more independent or dependent perhaps balanced? a. Hmm, it really depends on the situation. While in some things I am very independent, whilst in others I am VERY dependent. But as far as relationships go, I like to strive a nice balance between the two. 9.Are you happy with yourself as of now? a. Hell no. HEEEELLLLLL NO. I'm an emotional trainwreck right now but I'm working towards pulling myself out of this rut I find myself in - one little step at a time. While physically everything seems fine but emotionally I just feel unfulfilled with myself, not happy at all which is why I'm trying desperately to fix that. Because let's be honest, no girl wants to date a right depressing bastard which is why I'm working hard to be the happiest bastard I can be. 10. If you had to choose between changing yourself or letting go of somebody which would you pick? a. I wouldn't change the person I am for the world, despite my issues I think I'm fine just the way I am (When I'm feeling normal at least) and if someone wants to change something significant about me that defines who I am then I won't be too happy about that. I want people to accept me for who I am even if I can be extremely stubborn and zealous at times. But I'm willing to give my significant other the time of day and listen to her if something about me is bothering her (Especially if it affects me) then I'll try to fix that as much as I humanly possible (Like I am right now, sorting out my state of depression) - it'll be healthier for me and for her, so if it's for a better and happier relationship then I'll do my best to make her happy. I like making long answers.
Jun 07, 15 at 5:43pm
1. How faithful are you that you can find somebody that will stay with you long term. a. Complete faith. I am positive that I will find someone who shares what I believe to be a good relationship. 2. Do you feel that a relationship should last a lifetime or feel it to be realistic? a. MY relationship should last a lifetime. 3. How important do you feel your standards are in a relationship? a. Just as important as my partner’s standards 4. Why do you want a relationship? a. I want to have someone who understands and supports me in the most intimate manner. I want to understand and support someone in the most intimate manner. 5. If you were to be alone for the rest of your life how would you feel? a. As I had someone who I clicked with so well already and having that taken away, I would feel empty. Lacking. 6. If you were to define it under a few things if you do not have a relationship what would they be? If you do have a relationship what factors do you believe helped you in that? a. I do not have a relationship because I am too busy. I do not have a relationship because I decided to pursue my ambitions. I do not have a relationship because my partner died in an accident. 7. If I asked you how important finding somebody was what would you say? a. At this moment, not very important. When I am done with school? High on my priorities. 8. Do you consider yourself more independent or dependent perhaps balanced? a. I am dependent on their support. 9. Are you happy with yourself as of now? a. Yes 10. If you had to choose between changing yourself or letting go of somebody which would you pick? a. Depends on what the change is. I know I have some bad habits and faults. If I needed to change those then I would. If it’s something like stop collecting anime merchandise, then no, I would not change myself.
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