Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
katetheanimenerd @katetheanimenerd
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Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
katetheanimenerd @katetheanimenerd
I prefer a guy that likes anime.. I mainly draw, read, and watch anime when I have time to. I also like talking about anime to people, even though there's no other anime fans where I live. Plus I'm a atheist and they would have to accept my religious views. I have dated many guys that believe different than me and they always end up complaining about how I'm a atheist, my ex's mother even tried to force her religion on me. -___-" But as long as they accept me for who I am and that they like anime.. it's fine by me. :D
Nerdalous @nerdalous
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Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
Nerdalous @nerdalous
Na Anime isn't my life, just a hobby. It would be a plus though if my girlfriend did like anime though. I'll chose love over anime each time.
puremoonlight @puremoonlight
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Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
puremoonlight @puremoonlight
I don't need too...
But every relationship I've been in failed and everyone of them didn't like anime.
We just had nothing to talk about.
Either it's anime or it's history.
I'm open minded to their interests and I get into it but they don't seem to want to open up and get into my interests, I feel that it's just not fun. :/
ロイ @wallace614
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Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
ロイ @wallace614
Yes im very selfish and i want somebody that likes anime if not then i would be marry by now
anigal83 @anigal83
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Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
anigal83 @anigal83
I don't think that it's necessary at all but It's a nice similarity to have with your partner..
talamar @talamar
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Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
talamar @talamar
while She doesn't need to I think would be great help In the relationship. Considering I do alot that has to do with the Otaku Lifestyle... But again Love is Love and if ya throw away a chance at it because they do not share all your same interest ya might just regret it.
liltakame @liltakame
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Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
liltakame @liltakame
I'm okay if they aren't an other Otaku, but it'd be nice. They diffenitly need to be able to handle me likeing it, though. Sorry, but I'm not going to change myself on that. I have to many friends that I'd have to ditch too for being Otaku if they really couldn't stand it, and I just can't do that.
xxx @__removed_uguubox
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Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
xxx @__removed_uguubox
No absolutely not.
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
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Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
Yes, its like a must. I get sick of trying to explain. But most of the time they just tolerate it for my sake. However I still look at them like their an alien from outer space and im sure their thinking the same thing XD lolz. So yeah thats definitely important.
コーリー @anlme
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Do you really need your bf/gf to like anime?
コーリー @anlme
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