I never did this, did I?
geekygremlindeletehowwork @geekygremlin
I never did this, did I?
geekygremlindeletehowwork @geekygremlin
Hello everyone! I just discovered foundation! It's awesome!
Anyway, I'm pleasant to be around and love to be around others :3 I'm an introvert that loves getting out! Eventually I'll be living in California.
Let's be friends and stuff <3
Nayru @nayru
commented on
I never did this, did I?
Nayru @nayru
Welcome to the site! Let's meet each other~<3
ichigotom @ichigotom
commented on
I never did this, did I?
ichigotom @ichigotom
Let us be the bestest of bros err friends hahaha. Welcome welcome, wish i had more money, cuz i'd throw u a parade or at least make u a welcome banner, but this shall have to suffice XD. Nice to meet ya :3
Eevee @eevee
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I never did this, did I?
Eevee @eevee
welcome to maiotaku x3!
Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
commented on
I never did this, did I?
Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209
Nice to say meet you and welcome to the site.
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
commented on
I never did this, did I?
Alpaca Chaser Yuki @yukixl
heya im new too so add me :D?????
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