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Dub vs Sub or both equally good?

it really depends on the anime but I lean more to subs then dub
Well this is an interesting topic of discussion but for me personally i like them both. However it all depends on casting with me. Both Subbed and dubbed can have horrible casting options making seemingly cool, funny lovable characters utter shit. Most people that know me know that one character in particular got horrible casting in my opinion causing the character to just not be as engaging as in the subbed. This Character was the English dubbed Black star from soul eater. It was just a horrible choice of voice actor for the character. Best English dubbed that work out amazingly to me was Black lagoon every thing just seemed to fit.
I usually prefer subbed. Sometimes in dubbed anime there's been some uh... liberties taken with the translation. Drives me crazy. But some dubs are superior (DBZ being the first example that comes to mind).
Depends on the anime really but I find abridge voice actors better than the dub itself because not of the script because sometimes their voices matches the character itself also DBZ dub funimation is better IMO since the sub doesn't really fit with Goku but it's because the voice actor was his voice since DB/ when Goku was a kid
@Ghetto the reason it matches is cause they edit everything to match the mouth perfectly but yeah some abridge voices are awesome and that actor for the sub of DBZ also played his kids x-x
I got so used to subs that dubs don't sound right. It's second nature to read and I automatically adjust. But I've been watching anime with my roommate who can't keep track of subs so I've downloaded dubs versions for her to watch and it's rather odd watching the same anime in dubs instead of subs.
Jun 07, 15 at 5:44pm
I usually I watch subs because dubbed anime sometimes cut out scenes they don't feel like dubbing over, or water down other parts to fit a wider audience. Mainly though, I watch subs because it simply comes out before dubs. I can't wait! I always watch Bleach dubbed. I will not knock either one of them. They both can be great! (except naruto dubbed, BELIEVE IT)
I generelly prefer original language, means i can only watch german or english productions as a dub. I always watch anime with subtitles. But i can understand if people prefer dubs in general, since you can focus better on the visuals themselves. And yes, even after years of watching anime subs, you happen to miss some things shown on screen, which is pretty unfortunate.
dubs are superior and even when they change the dialogue its better.
Honestly I watch mostly dubs but I think subs better compliment the medium. Plus since subs are usually finished first you can watch them quicker.
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