I don't know..

penguinie @penguinie
I don't know..
penguinie @penguinie
Is it a bad thing that I've been around such toxic people my entire life that meeting friends on here and talking to them makes me so scared of losing them >.< People on here care a lot about each other and I've become so attached to a lot of the people on here.. So I guess this is just to say that you guys are all amazing and I'm so happy to have met all the people I did on here <3

lemonpiggy @lemonpiggy
commented on
I don't know..
lemonpiggy @lemonpiggy
Who said you have to lose them? :)

lordragna37 @lordragna37
commented on
I don't know..
lordragna37 @lordragna37
This account has been suspended.

Manga_bird @manga_bird
commented on
I don't know..
Manga_bird @manga_bird
I don't think it's a 'bad' thing, but I do think it would be healthy to focus more on life IRL.
You say you've been around toxic people; if you're still around them then try to change that and find some people who are just as awesome as the people you found here IRL.
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