How to be Romantic

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
How to be Romantic
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Being romantic means different things to different people depending on the person. I like to start this tread to find inspirations. To discuss if romance is something that needs to be performed on both sides of the relationship to work?

chibipizza @chibipizza
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How to be Romantic
chibipizza @chibipizza
um yeah lol

lynxware @lynxware
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How to be Romantic
lynxware @lynxware
Yes, To be honest some guys like romance as much as women. My biggest romantic dream is to be out in nature with my partner and to lay my head on her lap under a tree while she sings to me. However in most my past relationships i seemed to be the predominate romantic. However i have noticed as of late romance has seemed to take a decline in most cases. People are more worried about physical aspects of a relationship. Also i can say most people are worried about their own needs instead of both your needs, and needs of your partner. You need both people working together to make a relationship work. Just look at the divorce rate now compared to a few decades ago. My parents have been together for 40 years. And that is because they both work together to make the relationship work. As of currently most relationships last about a year at most. Really its pretty sad =(

Manga_bird @manga_bird
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How to be Romantic
Manga_bird @manga_bird
I think it does, yes. It's nice to be romanced, but it's also nice to do things for your partner too.

wayfarerxx @wayfarerxx
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How to be Romantic
wayfarerxx @wayfarerxx
Lynx basically sums up how I think.

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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How to be Romantic
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Here's my concern, When what you think is romantic isn't enough for the other person. In my case I do my best to spend time with her. Take her to the mall and shops since that's what she enjoys. I like taking her to the park. I suggested taking bike rides but she doesn't like the physical. If we go to an event she hates crowd's. Doesn't know what she wants to do. Expects me to always come up with everything from food to things to do. She does nice things for me like cooks and adds notes. I written things before but she's more frequent at it. I do it when I am inspired. But this has cause a cycle where I am being reminded that I am not romantic enough. The things I do for her are over looked and don't seem to be enough. Is been difficult to get into her head. For example presents. Can't seem to get it right with her. She tells me. I don't I tend to keep it to my self when she gets it wrong.
Guess I am looking to see what others could pick on from an outside view.

yaasshat @yaasshat
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How to be Romantic
yaasshat @yaasshat
A little surprise goes a long way. I once pick up my ex from work, had rose petals all over the inside of my car, blind folded her, took her to the Rappahannock river, laid out a blanket, brought a meal I made and knew she'd like and we ate under the moonlight next to the river. Little surprises, my friend. Little surprises. You need to know what she likes, no one can tell you exactly what's "romantic" to her. The main point is showing that you care and put her happiness as the main goal. Romance can be simple or complicated, the choice is yours.

lynxware @lynxware
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How to be Romantic
lynxware @lynxware
The fact that you have put effort into it, is the key. Try finding a common interest and working off of it. Sometimes women can find snuggling up on the couch talking romantic. Don't feel discouraged to ask her what she would like in a romantic evening. Its best to talk it out with your partner. I could only give you ideas of situations i find romantic, And i not her so it would be pointless to do so. You need to figure out what she wants.

EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
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How to be Romantic
EndlessKnight @ryuseven_0
Oh, yeah. I been working on it. She doesn't make it easy. But yeah, let's just say there are more things she doesn't like than like. :) But I will find out eventually.

Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
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How to be Romantic
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki
Do a sexy dance for your lover :)
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