Is anyone Alive?

Jair @no1famous73
Is anyone Alive?
Jair @no1famous73
I don't need an introduction.
I usually lurk around like a creeper because...well I have no explanation.
I said my piece, how's everyone doing?

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
commented on
Is anyone Alive?
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
No, we're all the walking dead.
I suggest you find yourself a nice rifle and some throwing knives's just in case.

Jair @no1famous73
commented on
Is anyone Alive?
Jair @no1famous73
lol. Comic book reference, I love those.
Eh. Nah I think I'll be fine hiding out in a hole underground. If I learned anything from the walking dead, it's zombies make better friends than humans. I'll probably be the first dude to die anyway -_-

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
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Is anyone Alive?
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
Haha yeah. Hiding underground will lessen your chances of survival because youre basically cornered like a rabbit. How would you hunt for food? You would have to venture in the outside world in order to get food and still puts you in danger. And while humans are shitty, it's better to stick together to improve your survival. The walking dead is as bad ass as it gets. I never watched it on tv, cause television ruins everything. I'm having a fan boy moment right now -sighs- whose your fav character? and how far have you gotten

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
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Is anyone Alive?
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
I think the best plan is to build an underwater city or something or find another planet until someone comes up with a cure.

Jair @no1famous73
commented on
Is anyone Alive?
Jair @no1famous73
You've got a point. Man, I need to brush up on my zombie survival guide. If there were ever to be an apocalypse I'm gonna avoid the sewers and subway systems. If another group wanted to come after me, they could easily take me out. I totally agree about the television thing. Everything on tv is so bad, not to mention dangerous to your brain cells. Plus where are the freaking zombies?? I stick to the comic cause it's more exciting, I think the produces are trying to turn TWD to soft core porn. Anywho my fav character would have to be Michonne, there's nothing like a woman who can hold her own on the battlefield. Plus she's tough as a bed of nails, yet still has a soft spot. I love her character development and watching her kick ass lol. I'm up to the most recent volume, I think 15? Still the governors arc, good stuff. How about you?

Jair @no1famous73
commented on
Is anyone Alive?
Jair @no1famous73
I don't fully believe that the underwater city would work either because that would require planning ahead of time, and you probably won't have all the resources available to do that. The apocalypse would have eroded society on all levels so I imagine a giant space ship shipping us all to the moon.

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
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Is anyone Alive?
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
HAH! I could see TWD becoming just that, a soft core porno. -Shudders- I can feel you on the lack of zombies part, I mean I know it's called the walking dead for a reason, but don't wait till the second season until there's any action. I think Andrea is my fav character, then Michonne. Two bad ladies kicking zombie ass, where could you possibly go wrong. I hated Lori because she was so selfish and annoying, and I wasn't really sad when she died but I shed a tear for the baby. All the characters seem to have pretty awesome character development, so human and what you would expect if there was a real zombie apocalypse. I know my underwater city is a fail, I mean is it was even possible to live under water, human beings would just exploit the ocean and make it unlivable. I wonder how the animals survive? I mean don't zombies attack anything that moves?

sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
commented on
Is anyone Alive?
sleep_walking_chicken @sleep_walking_chicken
Oh shit, I think I need to stop procrastinating on this site. SO you're from NY, which part are you from?

Jair @no1famous73
commented on
Is anyone Alive?
Jair @no1famous73
Ugh I don't like Andrea, I mean I don't hate her but and I got mad respect for her buuut...idk. You sound like my friend Ashley, such a misanthrope lol. What didn't human beings ruin?If you're procrastinating why don't you just turn off the computer and stop being a lazy bum, just think about how awarding you'll feel when you finish that paper, or finally crack open those books. I'm fresh of the boat from Staten Island. It doesn't even feel like NYC when you have to ride a nasty boat to get to Manhattan -_- But you can usually peep me in the Bronx. NYC swagg! Hbu?
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