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Parts of anime that creep you out

Okay, we have to admit there are always some factors that will creep out someone. Be it a happy little bunny or a stalkerish character. Here we can discuss the things that creep us out. And if it stops us from watching that certain anime show. Example: I have postponed watching Soul Eater just for the fact the moon scares me. It is a very creepy moon, and in like every episode. The sun is just as bad.
There's always something that will make me grimace, but as far as scare me, eh, can't think of one, I think since I am much scarier than anything I've ever seen nothing else really scares me... And I can be scary as f**k, like Yuno Gasai-level scary <_<
I was very new to anime and I was watching SAO and the whole thing about the cousin loving Kirito sorta creeped me out to a point where I almost dropped the series haha
Vampire Knight and just how creepy Kaname was all the way through and that they were siblings but kaname still had feelings for her "that way"
BasedSempai "I was very new to anime and I was watching SAO and the whole thing about the cousin loving Kirito sorta creeped me out to a point where I almost dropped the series haha" Apparently you haven't seen kiss x sis XD Waaaay "scarier" than cousin incest. But that post made my day XD
I too was put off by the cousin in SAO and the relation to Kaname and Yuki. Sweet relief though I peddled through to the end. I think they were both worth it. 8D
The ending to school days.. Didn't even see the series a friend showed me the clip of the uncut ending after telling me how it was not aired or ban in Japan because that same week it was out something like it happened in RL...to this day I can't see or hear anything of that anime it gets me sick...
Lesson? Never look at a video or clip a friend shows you, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. Although I couldn't say that's ever happened to me... Wait, never mind...
That part in elfin lied where Lucy killed all those kids because they killed her puppy.I think they were just trying to show humans are just as capable to be cruel
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